Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 5

Here it is. The end of Wednesday and I don't feel any less stressed! Things still need to be done, people to call, places to go, laundry to do, reading, studying, exercising, sleeping, relaxing...the list goes on and on...

The highlight of today was reading to my friend's 3rd grade class. I brought the book "The Emperor's New Clothes" to her class, and they loved it! After I read the book, they asked me tons of questions, which was really fun. They ranged from "What's your favorite thing to do as Miss UBIC?" to "What do you want to be when you grow up?"to my all-time favorite, "Do you like 3-D movies, blu-ray movies, or just normal DVDs best?" Seriously awesome questions. I loved being there and just having fun with the kids. The sweetest thing about the whole deal was at the end when I was getting ready to leave, one of the students gave me a big manila envelope that said, "Thank you" on it. After returning home, I opened it and found hand-made thank you cards from each student! They were so cute and I loved it!

So, I wanted to take a break from being all pageanty, so I decided I would finally install my CD player into my Jeep. I decided to document the whole thing via pictures...

So, here's my baby. I have yet to name it...I don't know its gender yet...and that's holding me back with the whole naming process. Anyway, it was a beautiful day today, so I decided working on it with the awesome daylight was the best option.
I gathered my mom's new tool box, a few tools from daddy's truck and myself!

So, here's the kit...note the "Step by Step" instructions claim. It's kinda ridiculous! They're just lame pictures with brief descriptions...not really "instructions."
There's the CD player. I have installed it in two other cars, and I am so excited to have it in my Jeep finally!
This was the most annoying thing to do. I sat for about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get the stupid dashboard disassembled. It's much harder than you would think, and I knew that screws were hiding somewhere. After trying to figure it out on my own and unnecessarily taking out a few screws, I googled how to disassemble the dash for a '96 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Turns out you have to take the wood trim off, and according to the web site, you should be able to "gently" but firmly tug on the trim and it will graciously "pop" off. I'll have you know that is the biggest lie since the lie, "Sorry, that was my last piece of gum!" I struggled to get this off for about 20 minutes, afterwhich my brother came to the rescue to help me install it. So this is the part where you would expect to read all about how I finished installing it and how glad I am to have a working radio. Well that part is missing in the story...because I failed to buy the correct wires to connect the CD player to my Jeep. So, that's what I need to do next.

Another fun adventure from today was when my brother and I decided to make the sound work the correct way in our family room. We moved the T.V. and found a plethora of rubber bands...I suspect the reason is my little friend... the picture won't upload...

Shortly after loading this little friend of mine up, I shot them all at Steven. It was going to be lots of fun, until he didn't even react. I wanted him to freak out, but he just didn't. Instead, he returned the favor as I walked away!

That was a fun part of my night.

So, I'm going to take you into another part of my life for a moment. If you can recall blog post "Maneater...I think not" you will know what I'm talking about when I mention the name Grant. If not, take a look and laugh, because it's purely a ridiculous post. So, about two weeks ago, I decided that I needed closure. I needed for him to know that I don't hate him. He was my best friend, and he'll always be my friend to some degree... I wrote him a letter about all this. It was very concise and to the point, but what else would it be? I told him things were going well with school and all, and left it with me telling him we'd always be friends in my book.

Well, today his mother wrote on my wall on Facebook. Then, I asked her about what she wrote, and found out that my letter upset him, and he apparently told her he's still in love with me. ASFHI@"#490qfuaeNDFQ"#9irgLKOBNFHJ"FRQO#P?JEFD is how I feel about that. WTF?! You don't just tell people that the person they broke up with 8 months ago is still in love with them. Bleh. I feel bad, I truly do, I mean I didn't want to upset him, but apparently I did. Honestly I figured he'd be over me by now. Then she tells me I should just not write him, so I said I get to make that decision, and I was only writing him to let him know I don't hate him so I could get that off my chest. Geez! I wasn't writing to re-kindle the flame, but I guess he took it wrong. He told her it was "too hard" to just be friends and his feelings were still too strong for me. Blah. That is what I think. So much for just trying to have him as a friend, eh? I made up my mind 8 months ago that things wouldn't work, that I didn't love him anymore, doesn't anyone understand this? I need a friend to vent to right now, nobody's here to listen, I can't call anybody at this hour, I have so many thoughts and confused feelings inside of me right now.

Speaking of friends, I'm on the short end of the friend stick right now. My mom isn't even my friend. I fight with her every time I see her. I don't understand it. I don't want to, but I just do. It doesn't make any sense. I think the stress of Princess Academy has gotten to the both of us, and it's showing. I just need it to be over so I can relax! I want to take a long drive away. Far AWAY! I want to ride for hours until I can't drive any longer...or I just want to break down and cry. I'm at that point now. It's coming to the cry point...Before it does though, I should go to bed. I'm upset, confused, lonely, tired, missing my friends, and in need of a nice big hug. This is exactly how I feel right now:

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