Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 1.

Here it is, the end of day 1 of Spring Break. It hasn't been too eventful, granted I'm in Roosevelt...

So far, I've done the following:

Slept in on a nice queen sized bed
taken a nap
gone shopping
gone to the Home & Garden Show
gotten acrylic nails for the first time (now I'm wondering what the flip I was thinking! How do people live with these things? Beauty pays its dues I suppose...)
Taken sawheet pictures for Miss Utah...CAN'T wait to get them!!
Bought my evening gown for Miss Utah. So EXCITED!!!
Learned 3 songs from the Final Fantasy Soundtrack...Thanks Scott for making me love the music to a video game. Ha Ha.
Eaten people food...i.e. NOT Market Place mystery meat casserole or surprise pizza
loved my kitty :)
lounged around and done NOTHING for over an hour
walked around my house! I really went into every room because I love that it's huge and I can go different places! Oh the wonders of not being at the LLC!
Eaten 3 oreos. I know, so many, huh?!
Thought about being productive, and remembered that I don't have to be!

That's pretty much been my life today. I am very excited to be home! Sadly, nothing exciting is going on here, but what else is new? I never expect that when I come to Roosytown there will be anything different. Quiet little Roosy is very resistant to change in some ways...but it's good in many ways because it will always feel like home.

So, most people use this long break as an awesome excuse to not work on any projects, school work, or any productive activities, but with Shari Timothy, that's just not the case. Because I have limited time to come home and limited funds as well, I am using the break to get as much done with my platform as possible. I am working on putting my assembly presentation together for Monday! I have the opportunity to visit 2 schools and put on 6 assemblies on Monday and Tuesday! I must say, I'm slightly afraid, but at the same time, I'm super excited. My original plan was to visit ALL the elementary schools in the Basin, but sadly, many of the were over-booked, didn't call me back, or didn't want me to have an assembly. However, I am excited to visit Tabiona and Altamont to speak about Car/Booster seat safety!

Car seat safety is such an issue here in Rural Utah, and I really believe that I can make a difference! It's such a tragedy that the leading cause of death for children ages 4 to 14 is motor vehicle crashes. The most tragic part of this is the fact that these deaths can be prevented through taking easy steps and 5 extra minute during "load-up" time. I hope this week as I'm home for spring break, I'll be able to get the word out a bit more about my platform and people will be receptive to it!

I'll save the whole platform statement for another post-probably later this week as I have it on my mind constantly!! Other than assembly prep, all I'm working on is Princess Academy! It's this Saturday, and I'm beginning to freak out! I have no idea how many princesses have registered, but I have faith that enough will register so I can at least pay for some of my fees to represent the Basin at Miss Utah. There is still so much to do before the stress will go away! Good thing I'm home ALL week, right?

So, there you have it. Day 1 of spring break. What a break, eh? To whomever may come across this, I hope that your spring break is full of relaxation and de-stressing. May you enjoy this hour shorter day :) Until the end of Day 2...

-The Always Stressed Shari

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