Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 4

Day 4 brought with it many events.

It started when I woke up to the annoying theme to "The Price is Right". As I lay in bed, I thought of Bob Barker, then Janelle Hanson, a friend of mine in my major, then Drew Carey. After that I knew I had to shut the thing up so I could stop my thought process. After a much unnecessary struggle to push the "snooze" button, I was able to slumber for another couple hours, until another alarm went off. This time, much better, "Deep Blue Sea" welcomed me to the morning.

I finally decided to get up and get straight to work on my presentation I would give later in the day. I decided to put my speech into a power point presentation to hopefully keep the attention of the kids better than yesterday's endeavor at Tabiona.

The power point was ready, except for a few minor flaws, which I didn't know how to fix...ultimately, I called my mother and took it all to the school for her to assist me in my uneducated state when it comes to power point 2007.

Then came the time to make my trip to Altamont. It was a good drive, and although I left later than planned, I managed to arrive just in time for my scheduled assembly! As I walked in, eyes of eager children rested upon me, and I felt so happy!

My presentation went really well, and I was so pleased that the kids knew so much about booster's and the laws! Many of them participated, which was exactly how I needed it to all go! You know, the most rewarding part of being Miss Uintah Basin, is times like these. When I know that something I did actually made a difference in someone's life and that I really CAN make a difference in our community.

Here's just a couple more pictures from the assembly in Altamont today:

I think the most fun part was when the kids were walking out of the assembly, and as they walked past, I smile and waved at them. I said hello to many of them, and seeing their faces light up because a "princess" talked to them was a priceless feeling.

Whew. Assemblies. Such fun. Such work...Princess Academy. This is a long story. There's still so much to worry about, but less now! I'll explain on a later date!

In other areas of business in Shari's life, her eating habits and exercise routine are going well. I've loved being home and making healthy yummy food! So great! I think I've lost a couple pounds since being here. Thank goodness! What I wouldn't give to jump back to August 1, 2008 and keep myself that way. That's why we can always change though, right? I can get back into things after knee surgery...speaking of which, I did something today which I haven't done for a long time! I RAN! yes...I RAN! Not the place, mind you, although Iran could be a topic of discussion, should I ever fail to have something to talk about in this, I ran 3/4 mile. I was going to go for 1 mile until it started to hurt. It was quite an exciting milestone though. Ah. I can't wait for the pain to be gone. I may have fresh knees, but they sure cause me a lot of pain!

Love, one thing that will forever be a prime part of my life. I love everyone. I truly do. I love to meet new people and learn about them, and I always find something to love in everyone. I think this is why I get hurt so easily. I love quickly, in a brotherly sort of way, and I care for people on a level that isn't too common among the average human being.

The love I wish to speak of right now is not actually love for an individual solely as a brother. Although I do love this man as a brother, I have deeper than brotherly love feelings for him. Not to say I'm "in love" but there is just some compelling interest that I have in this man. It's a great interest and longing to be around him and talk to him. He brings me joy. Truly. Upon meeting him, I never would have thought I would feel this way about him. Ever. Anyway, the interest...I laugh a lot with him, he doesn't let me think I'm always right...which is good to keep me humble, he's just an awesome guy all around. I don't think I could for one second be upset with him. Even if he did something terrible, I would still find it in me to forgive him. I feel very much accepted around him, and that is probably why I find it so easy to like him the way I do. Never have I felt judged in his presence, and I don't think he judges anyone. He's a dynamic person, and has opened my eyes to many different ways of thinking. Although I have known him for a short time, I feel as though I've known him for much longer. Now, I don't know how he feels about me, perhaps I'll never know? I let my end of the secret out, simply because I couldn't keep it in, and he's the kind of person that I knew would be my friend even if I told him of my feelings for him. I just had to get that all out there, just for myself to reiterate why I feel the way I do about him. Now let's hope that he doesn't end up reading this. Of course, knowing my luck, by some off-chance, he'll end up reading it somehow...oh well.

Finally, I must talk about the music choice for this blog post. I'm listening to "Consider the Lilies" by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I love this song. I thought about it for two reasons. 1-My Stake President spoke about it on Sunday, 2. I was feeling the need for soothing and uplifting music. I really love this song. It pulls at my heartstrings in a way that only music can. I particularly love this part:

Consider the sweet tender children who must suffer on this earth.
The Pains of all of them He carried from the day of His birth.

It's just AMAZING! I love that I know that I have a Savior, who lives, and who loves me SO much that He would carry the burden of all my sins and shortcomings. I know He lives. I know He has visited this Earth, and will someday come again. I can't wait for that glorious day! It will be amazing to finally feel His arms around me and look into His eyes and express my love and gratitude for Him.

Well, this post has been quite the variety, but I, too, am quite the variety of a naturally my blog would echo that. I'm finally making it to bed, well erm, I'm actually sitting on my queen sized soft as air, comfortable, full of pillows, glorious, deliciously cozy...okay I think I've made the point. I'm on my bed, but now that I've completed the task of writing about day 4, I must retire. I'm reading to kids tomorrow, and afterall, queens need their beauty sleep, right?

nighty night...

p.s. I always wonder who I'm talking if you're reading, let me know!

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