Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 2

So, I really don't have much time to write, but I needed to say how thankful I am for who I am and what I know.

Today as I was able to worship my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, I had many feelings and thoughts come over me. I was able to remember just how lucky I am to know what I know.

I was also privileged to attend the best fireside ever. President Willard and his wife spoke to the ysa at the institute, and it was awesome. Sister Willard spoke about reaching out and having love for everyone. She challenged us to reach out to everyone and love everyone as well. President Willard spoke about trusting in God. It was the most beautiful talk I have heard. Ever. Hands down. It made me want to be the person I know I can be, and I know without a doubt that I can't do things alone. I know that I can't trust in the flesh, but that I must trust in God.

Overall, spring break day 2 was great! I saw the boys: Treven, Tracen, Bodie, and Casey, went to my family ward, saw my brother Jared and ate my FAVORITE cake ever!!! I also saw tons of friends at the fireside...which was also great! I worked on my assembly prep tonight. Hopefully it all goes well! Wish me luck! I only pray that the kids will be somewhat entertained and at least retain one small buckle up!

Tomorrow's busy day as Miss Uintah Basin:

6 a.m.--work out
7 a.m.--breakfast, shower, get ready
8 a.m.--final prep for assembly
8:30 a.m.--leave for little Tabiona.
9:40 hopefully arrive in Tabby
10-12 noon--assemblies!!
1:30-2 arrive back in Roosevelt and prepare for Princess Academy.
The rest of the day will hopefully be full of piano practicing, princess academy prep, clean the house, prepare dinner, study my guts out for Stats and Media Law!

Oh Spring Break! I love you. I'm the kind of person who needs to stay busy, so this spring break is perfect for me!

Anyway, the night is not so young anymore and I'm feeling like 6 is going to come much sooner than desired! Good night blog, good night.

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