Friday, March 20, 2009

Randomness in its purest form

So, I'm in a weird mood. I shouldn't be awake, yet here I am doing something worthless in most people's minds...blogging! It's just been a long week and FINALLY tomorrow is Friday! I can't wait to be finished with so much! Today, before 5p.m. I need to make a really important decision, and I just don't know what to do. I guess life always keeps you guessing though, doesn't it?

Anyway, many thoughts are going about a hundred miles a minute inside my confused and lost brain. I don't know what to do about so many things, and JUST when I feel like I'm going to make some awesome progress with my knees and exercise routine, I go and get sick again! It's always one thing after another! I feel like a hamster sometimes, running and running but never making any true progress. I mean, I do SO many blasted things, but I don't really feel all that accomplished. Is it just me?

On to other topics...I failed at keeping my spring break blogging obsession up. The rest of it was as follows: Stress about P.A., Stress about Life, Stress about food, eat lots of food, P.A. and keeping little girls under control, Pack up and leave for Logan. Someday perhaps I'll actually write about P.A. ha ha! Yeah right!

Well here's shift in topics number five thousand thirty seven...

Here's a list for you...It's called things I'd like to tell you, but my name's Shari and I'm a chicken...

  • I think you have an awesome sense of humor, and I kinda love it.
  • Your eyes are uh-may-zing...(it's phonetic :D )
  • You have a great taste in music.
  • Overall, I think you're pretty dang handsome.
  • Let's be honest, you're just awesome to be around!
  • I love how you're a bit dorky at times.
  • You make me smile a lot.
  • There's just something about you...
Now that that's out....BLAH! What am I still doing up? Oh yeah, that thing they call Facebook? Yeah, pretty sure I sold my soul to it in another life, and it's pulling me down to hell slowly. One last thought before I pull the plug on the blog cable in my mind...that facebook "pop" noise from facebook know what I'm talking about. Well I swear I hear it when there's NOTHING happening on FB! It's like the phantom vibrate of your phone. You swear that you felt it vibrate, and you probably did. (I think it's really the goverment trying to see how many people they can wig out by sending phantom vibes. Don't ask me how they do it...they just do!) I think I've heard the "pop" and I look and sure enough, nothing's there!

Even more annoying, I swear to you it's in the song "Crush" by David Archuleta. Trust me. Go listen to the song at 2:42 until about 2:46. Pay particular attention to when he says, "Is it real or just another crush." and I swear to you it is there! That stupid little "pop" noise. Like was someone on facebook when they were doing this? Miraculously it ended up on the track of David's song? Call me crazy, but I know I'm not hearing things. I just listened to it 3 times to make sure.

Anyway, I regret to inform you that the "Randomness in its purest form" post must be concluded at this time. I have physical therapy in the morning, and let's be honest...I'm not going to be a happy camper come 7:30!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 5

Here it is. The end of Wednesday and I don't feel any less stressed! Things still need to be done, people to call, places to go, laundry to do, reading, studying, exercising, sleeping, relaxing...the list goes on and on...

The highlight of today was reading to my friend's 3rd grade class. I brought the book "The Emperor's New Clothes" to her class, and they loved it! After I read the book, they asked me tons of questions, which was really fun. They ranged from "What's your favorite thing to do as Miss UBIC?" to "What do you want to be when you grow up?"to my all-time favorite, "Do you like 3-D movies, blu-ray movies, or just normal DVDs best?" Seriously awesome questions. I loved being there and just having fun with the kids. The sweetest thing about the whole deal was at the end when I was getting ready to leave, one of the students gave me a big manila envelope that said, "Thank you" on it. After returning home, I opened it and found hand-made thank you cards from each student! They were so cute and I loved it!

So, I wanted to take a break from being all pageanty, so I decided I would finally install my CD player into my Jeep. I decided to document the whole thing via pictures...

So, here's my baby. I have yet to name it...I don't know its gender yet...and that's holding me back with the whole naming process. Anyway, it was a beautiful day today, so I decided working on it with the awesome daylight was the best option.
I gathered my mom's new tool box, a few tools from daddy's truck and myself!

So, here's the kit...note the "Step by Step" instructions claim. It's kinda ridiculous! They're just lame pictures with brief descriptions...not really "instructions."
There's the CD player. I have installed it in two other cars, and I am so excited to have it in my Jeep finally!
This was the most annoying thing to do. I sat for about 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get the stupid dashboard disassembled. It's much harder than you would think, and I knew that screws were hiding somewhere. After trying to figure it out on my own and unnecessarily taking out a few screws, I googled how to disassemble the dash for a '96 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Turns out you have to take the wood trim off, and according to the web site, you should be able to "gently" but firmly tug on the trim and it will graciously "pop" off. I'll have you know that is the biggest lie since the lie, "Sorry, that was my last piece of gum!" I struggled to get this off for about 20 minutes, afterwhich my brother came to the rescue to help me install it. So this is the part where you would expect to read all about how I finished installing it and how glad I am to have a working radio. Well that part is missing in the story...because I failed to buy the correct wires to connect the CD player to my Jeep. So, that's what I need to do next.

Another fun adventure from today was when my brother and I decided to make the sound work the correct way in our family room. We moved the T.V. and found a plethora of rubber bands...I suspect the reason is my little friend... the picture won't upload...

Shortly after loading this little friend of mine up, I shot them all at Steven. It was going to be lots of fun, until he didn't even react. I wanted him to freak out, but he just didn't. Instead, he returned the favor as I walked away!

That was a fun part of my night.

So, I'm going to take you into another part of my life for a moment. If you can recall blog post "Maneater...I think not" you will know what I'm talking about when I mention the name Grant. If not, take a look and laugh, because it's purely a ridiculous post. So, about two weeks ago, I decided that I needed closure. I needed for him to know that I don't hate him. He was my best friend, and he'll always be my friend to some degree... I wrote him a letter about all this. It was very concise and to the point, but what else would it be? I told him things were going well with school and all, and left it with me telling him we'd always be friends in my book.

Well, today his mother wrote on my wall on Facebook. Then, I asked her about what she wrote, and found out that my letter upset him, and he apparently told her he's still in love with me. ASFHI@"#490qfuaeNDFQ"#9irgLKOBNFHJ"FRQO#P?JEFD is how I feel about that. WTF?! You don't just tell people that the person they broke up with 8 months ago is still in love with them. Bleh. I feel bad, I truly do, I mean I didn't want to upset him, but apparently I did. Honestly I figured he'd be over me by now. Then she tells me I should just not write him, so I said I get to make that decision, and I was only writing him to let him know I don't hate him so I could get that off my chest. Geez! I wasn't writing to re-kindle the flame, but I guess he took it wrong. He told her it was "too hard" to just be friends and his feelings were still too strong for me. Blah. That is what I think. So much for just trying to have him as a friend, eh? I made up my mind 8 months ago that things wouldn't work, that I didn't love him anymore, doesn't anyone understand this? I need a friend to vent to right now, nobody's here to listen, I can't call anybody at this hour, I have so many thoughts and confused feelings inside of me right now.

Speaking of friends, I'm on the short end of the friend stick right now. My mom isn't even my friend. I fight with her every time I see her. I don't understand it. I don't want to, but I just do. It doesn't make any sense. I think the stress of Princess Academy has gotten to the both of us, and it's showing. I just need it to be over so I can relax! I want to take a long drive away. Far AWAY! I want to ride for hours until I can't drive any longer...or I just want to break down and cry. I'm at that point now. It's coming to the cry point...Before it does though, I should go to bed. I'm upset, confused, lonely, tired, missing my friends, and in need of a nice big hug. This is exactly how I feel right now:

Day 4

Day 4 brought with it many events.

It started when I woke up to the annoying theme to "The Price is Right". As I lay in bed, I thought of Bob Barker, then Janelle Hanson, a friend of mine in my major, then Drew Carey. After that I knew I had to shut the thing up so I could stop my thought process. After a much unnecessary struggle to push the "snooze" button, I was able to slumber for another couple hours, until another alarm went off. This time, much better, "Deep Blue Sea" welcomed me to the morning.

I finally decided to get up and get straight to work on my presentation I would give later in the day. I decided to put my speech into a power point presentation to hopefully keep the attention of the kids better than yesterday's endeavor at Tabiona.

The power point was ready, except for a few minor flaws, which I didn't know how to fix...ultimately, I called my mother and took it all to the school for her to assist me in my uneducated state when it comes to power point 2007.

Then came the time to make my trip to Altamont. It was a good drive, and although I left later than planned, I managed to arrive just in time for my scheduled assembly! As I walked in, eyes of eager children rested upon me, and I felt so happy!

My presentation went really well, and I was so pleased that the kids knew so much about booster's and the laws! Many of them participated, which was exactly how I needed it to all go! You know, the most rewarding part of being Miss Uintah Basin, is times like these. When I know that something I did actually made a difference in someone's life and that I really CAN make a difference in our community.

Here's just a couple more pictures from the assembly in Altamont today:

I think the most fun part was when the kids were walking out of the assembly, and as they walked past, I smile and waved at them. I said hello to many of them, and seeing their faces light up because a "princess" talked to them was a priceless feeling.

Whew. Assemblies. Such fun. Such work...Princess Academy. This is a long story. There's still so much to worry about, but less now! I'll explain on a later date!

In other areas of business in Shari's life, her eating habits and exercise routine are going well. I've loved being home and making healthy yummy food! So great! I think I've lost a couple pounds since being here. Thank goodness! What I wouldn't give to jump back to August 1, 2008 and keep myself that way. That's why we can always change though, right? I can get back into things after knee surgery...speaking of which, I did something today which I haven't done for a long time! I RAN! yes...I RAN! Not the place, mind you, although Iran could be a topic of discussion, should I ever fail to have something to talk about in this, I ran 3/4 mile. I was going to go for 1 mile until it started to hurt. It was quite an exciting milestone though. Ah. I can't wait for the pain to be gone. I may have fresh knees, but they sure cause me a lot of pain!

Love, one thing that will forever be a prime part of my life. I love everyone. I truly do. I love to meet new people and learn about them, and I always find something to love in everyone. I think this is why I get hurt so easily. I love quickly, in a brotherly sort of way, and I care for people on a level that isn't too common among the average human being.

The love I wish to speak of right now is not actually love for an individual solely as a brother. Although I do love this man as a brother, I have deeper than brotherly love feelings for him. Not to say I'm "in love" but there is just some compelling interest that I have in this man. It's a great interest and longing to be around him and talk to him. He brings me joy. Truly. Upon meeting him, I never would have thought I would feel this way about him. Ever. Anyway, the interest...I laugh a lot with him, he doesn't let me think I'm always right...which is good to keep me humble, he's just an awesome guy all around. I don't think I could for one second be upset with him. Even if he did something terrible, I would still find it in me to forgive him. I feel very much accepted around him, and that is probably why I find it so easy to like him the way I do. Never have I felt judged in his presence, and I don't think he judges anyone. He's a dynamic person, and has opened my eyes to many different ways of thinking. Although I have known him for a short time, I feel as though I've known him for much longer. Now, I don't know how he feels about me, perhaps I'll never know? I let my end of the secret out, simply because I couldn't keep it in, and he's the kind of person that I knew would be my friend even if I told him of my feelings for him. I just had to get that all out there, just for myself to reiterate why I feel the way I do about him. Now let's hope that he doesn't end up reading this. Of course, knowing my luck, by some off-chance, he'll end up reading it somehow...oh well.

Finally, I must talk about the music choice for this blog post. I'm listening to "Consider the Lilies" by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I love this song. I thought about it for two reasons. 1-My Stake President spoke about it on Sunday, 2. I was feeling the need for soothing and uplifting music. I really love this song. It pulls at my heartstrings in a way that only music can. I particularly love this part:

Consider the sweet tender children who must suffer on this earth.
The Pains of all of them He carried from the day of His birth.

It's just AMAZING! I love that I know that I have a Savior, who lives, and who loves me SO much that He would carry the burden of all my sins and shortcomings. I know He lives. I know He has visited this Earth, and will someday come again. I can't wait for that glorious day! It will be amazing to finally feel His arms around me and look into His eyes and express my love and gratitude for Him.

Well, this post has been quite the variety, but I, too, am quite the variety of a naturally my blog would echo that. I'm finally making it to bed, well erm, I'm actually sitting on my queen sized soft as air, comfortable, full of pillows, glorious, deliciously cozy...okay I think I've made the point. I'm on my bed, but now that I've completed the task of writing about day 4, I must retire. I'm reading to kids tomorrow, and afterall, queens need their beauty sleep, right?

nighty night...

p.s. I always wonder who I'm talking if you're reading, let me know!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 3

Day 3 had it's ups and downs...!

I woke up later than planned, so the schedule I posted didn't quite work out. However, I was able to scramble up to Tabiona in time for my assemblies! I ended up talking to k-6, and it went very well. I stressed the importance of boosters, and found that most of the kids, yes even those "grown up" 6th graders, were still shorter than 4' 9"!!

It's a shame that boosters are looked down upon by many kids in the 10-12 year old range, because the fact of the matter is, most kids are little. That's why they're kids! Seat belts just aren't made for kids! If only everyone understood that!

However, I'm glad that they don't, because I have an awesome platform to share with the community! The most rewarding part of being Miss Uintah Basin has been going to share my platform with others. It's awesome to hear that the kids know the laws and what to do when they get in a car! I feel very empowered and ready to keep on sharing my knowledge of car seat safety!

Anyway, that was the fun part of the day. The rest of the day was spent getting things done for princess academy, of course! Stress leaks out of me, but it's how I function!

I got to see one of my favorite people from high school! I was so excited! Simon came over and we played wii, and it was fun.

I can't think of more to say about yesterday...yeah I'm a slacker writing about day 3 on day 4. Perhaps there's some unwritten law that says you shouldn't do that. Oh well.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 2

So, I really don't have much time to write, but I needed to say how thankful I am for who I am and what I know.

Today as I was able to worship my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, I had many feelings and thoughts come over me. I was able to remember just how lucky I am to know what I know.

I was also privileged to attend the best fireside ever. President Willard and his wife spoke to the ysa at the institute, and it was awesome. Sister Willard spoke about reaching out and having love for everyone. She challenged us to reach out to everyone and love everyone as well. President Willard spoke about trusting in God. It was the most beautiful talk I have heard. Ever. Hands down. It made me want to be the person I know I can be, and I know without a doubt that I can't do things alone. I know that I can't trust in the flesh, but that I must trust in God.

Overall, spring break day 2 was great! I saw the boys: Treven, Tracen, Bodie, and Casey, went to my family ward, saw my brother Jared and ate my FAVORITE cake ever!!! I also saw tons of friends at the fireside...which was also great! I worked on my assembly prep tonight. Hopefully it all goes well! Wish me luck! I only pray that the kids will be somewhat entertained and at least retain one small buckle up!

Tomorrow's busy day as Miss Uintah Basin:

6 a.m.--work out
7 a.m.--breakfast, shower, get ready
8 a.m.--final prep for assembly
8:30 a.m.--leave for little Tabiona.
9:40 hopefully arrive in Tabby
10-12 noon--assemblies!!
1:30-2 arrive back in Roosevelt and prepare for Princess Academy.
The rest of the day will hopefully be full of piano practicing, princess academy prep, clean the house, prepare dinner, study my guts out for Stats and Media Law!

Oh Spring Break! I love you. I'm the kind of person who needs to stay busy, so this spring break is perfect for me!

Anyway, the night is not so young anymore and I'm feeling like 6 is going to come much sooner than desired! Good night blog, good night.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 1.

Here it is, the end of day 1 of Spring Break. It hasn't been too eventful, granted I'm in Roosevelt...

So far, I've done the following:

Slept in on a nice queen sized bed
taken a nap
gone shopping
gone to the Home & Garden Show
gotten acrylic nails for the first time (now I'm wondering what the flip I was thinking! How do people live with these things? Beauty pays its dues I suppose...)
Taken sawheet pictures for Miss Utah...CAN'T wait to get them!!
Bought my evening gown for Miss Utah. So EXCITED!!!
Learned 3 songs from the Final Fantasy Soundtrack...Thanks Scott for making me love the music to a video game. Ha Ha.
Eaten people food...i.e. NOT Market Place mystery meat casserole or surprise pizza
loved my kitty :)
lounged around and done NOTHING for over an hour
walked around my house! I really went into every room because I love that it's huge and I can go different places! Oh the wonders of not being at the LLC!
Eaten 3 oreos. I know, so many, huh?!
Thought about being productive, and remembered that I don't have to be!

That's pretty much been my life today. I am very excited to be home! Sadly, nothing exciting is going on here, but what else is new? I never expect that when I come to Roosytown there will be anything different. Quiet little Roosy is very resistant to change in some ways...but it's good in many ways because it will always feel like home.

So, most people use this long break as an awesome excuse to not work on any projects, school work, or any productive activities, but with Shari Timothy, that's just not the case. Because I have limited time to come home and limited funds as well, I am using the break to get as much done with my platform as possible. I am working on putting my assembly presentation together for Monday! I have the opportunity to visit 2 schools and put on 6 assemblies on Monday and Tuesday! I must say, I'm slightly afraid, but at the same time, I'm super excited. My original plan was to visit ALL the elementary schools in the Basin, but sadly, many of the were over-booked, didn't call me back, or didn't want me to have an assembly. However, I am excited to visit Tabiona and Altamont to speak about Car/Booster seat safety!

Car seat safety is such an issue here in Rural Utah, and I really believe that I can make a difference! It's such a tragedy that the leading cause of death for children ages 4 to 14 is motor vehicle crashes. The most tragic part of this is the fact that these deaths can be prevented through taking easy steps and 5 extra minute during "load-up" time. I hope this week as I'm home for spring break, I'll be able to get the word out a bit more about my platform and people will be receptive to it!

I'll save the whole platform statement for another post-probably later this week as I have it on my mind constantly!! Other than assembly prep, all I'm working on is Princess Academy! It's this Saturday, and I'm beginning to freak out! I have no idea how many princesses have registered, but I have faith that enough will register so I can at least pay for some of my fees to represent the Basin at Miss Utah. There is still so much to do before the stress will go away! Good thing I'm home ALL week, right?

So, there you have it. Day 1 of spring break. What a break, eh? To whomever may come across this, I hope that your spring break is full of relaxation and de-stressing. May you enjoy this hour shorter day :) Until the end of Day 2...

-The Always Stressed Shari