Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Eating Real

I've been wanting to get our family to eat more healthy foods for a while, but I wasn't really truly invested in it until now, when I'm finding I have more time to do things.

I've learned more and more about processed foods, what they can do to you, and how bad they really are. We have decided that to cut out all processed foods from our diet. This isn't an easy thing to do, but it's doable with some extra work.

Making the change to eating real foods is starting small with our family, since I am not able to invest 100% yet.

For at least the last 6 weeks, I haven't bought ANY cereal. We stay more full after breakfast because unlike cereal, the food we've had for breakfast fills us up! I have to admit, it's hard to make breakfast every morning, but it's so much better! We eat oatmeal with cinnamon & bananas, scrambled eggs or whole wheat pancakes or waffles most mornings. I love that Ellie is taking to eating good food in the morning much better. She stays more full and is less cranky if we eat a good fulfilling breakfast.

Another change I've made is to use Whole Wheat flour MOST of the time. It's delicious, and Ellie actually eats the waffles and pancakes BETTER than when I would make them with white flour. Weird!

So far, I've made our own granola, bread, muffins and waffles & pancakes. I will start making bread on a regular basis soon, I hope! I'm hoping to make hummus regularly, too! I know in the long run we'll be healthier, happier and feeling a heck of a lot better without food that makes you feel sluggish and gross!

I'm getting most of my recipes from 100daysoffood.com and they are awesome! 

I am excited about this change, and also excited that soon it will be prime season for amazing fruits and veggies at the farmer's market! I'll have to share some pics and recipes soon.


Amber said...

i have a feeling I'll be cutting cereal too! and when you say going to the farmers market, I hope you mean going with me.

Amber said...

ah. I don't want to give up cereal. I probably will try it too.
and when you say going to the farmer's market, you do mean you are going with me, right?

Tamar said...

That is totally fantastic, Shari!! I am so proud of you, and you are right, it's not easy but you are going to feel so much better--sounds like you already do! You'll also find that you'll be spending less money since you are basically only shopping the outside sections of the grocery store, especially the produce section--yum!! I have a couple of recipe books that I just love and I am a big fan of smoothies--you can pack so much nutrition into one little shake. Let me know if you want more info and I'll message you on facebook. xoxo, Tamar