Monday, February 18, 2013

Cameron & Kyle: 3 months old

January's over (thank goodness) and that means Cameron and Kyle are one month older!


  • LOVES it when mommy sings the itsy bitsy spider to him and does the hand motions
  • still pukes buckets, but is happier about it than he used to be
  • he's wearing size 1 diapers, size 0-3 month clothes and is still a little squirt
  • he's no longer taking Prevacid, OR Zantac! Woohoo! He's not too bad without them, either!
  • He's starting to "talk" and coo so much and he LOVES it when we talk to him or make faces at him
  • He takes about 3 naps a day, and wakes up once at night to eat.
  • On a good night he sleeps from about 9-2 or 3, then again until 6 or 7.
  • He nurses about every 3 hours during the day, and once at night. He's a guzzler, and I have to stop him every 5 or so minutes so he can burp, otherwise everything he just ate comes right back up!
  • Tummy time is not his favorite, but we try to have him do it anyway.
  • He LOVES sitting in the bumbo!
  • He also loves playing in the bouncy seat and watching the bubbles and lights move.
  • He generally loves to suck on a binky and takes the gumdrop or nuk kind
  • He likes being held, but only in certain ways, and he's not super cuddly
  • Being outside is probably his favorite thing ever.


  • is such a little smiler! He will smile and coo at you all. day. long! We love it!
  • He hates tummy time. Like REALLY hates it. Working on that...
  • He's a little chunker, and he's growing out of some 0-3 month clothes, but still fits in a lot. He wears size 2 diapers.
  • He likes to nurse more often than Cameron during the day, and sometimes eats every 2 hours, however he sleeps MUCH longer at night, like usually from 9-4 or 5, then again until 7 or 8.
  • He also takes 3 naps a day.
  • He talks a lot and loves to look at everything and anything
  • He follows us when we walk across the room and gets SUPER sad if we walk by him and don't pick him up.
  • He's a little softie and gets his feelings hurt easily
  • He has super sensitive skin, and we've found we can only use a really expensive organic baby wash on him.
  • he HATES binkies, but sometimes when he just won't go to sleep I can force one on him and it gives him that extra push to get to his sleepy place

  • Now that it's two weeks later, C man is sleeping longer at night!!
  • Kyle takes a latex Nuk binky selectively
  • Kyle can roll from front to back
  • Tummy time is better for both boys
  • Cameron does better with pumped milk since it doesn't drown him
  • They both love the jumper
  • Cameron loves to be outside
  • Kyle doesn't fit in 0-3 much at all anymore
I'll update more with pictures soon!!

And probably more things I remember!