Thursday, February 7, 2013

Breastfeeding twins

I wanted to take some time and write my feelings and thoughts for myself so I can remember this time in my life. These are my experiences, and I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad or be preachy. This is about me and my thoughts and opinions.

Breastfeeding Ellie was easy. It really was. Sure it was painful at first, and sometimes I felt like I didn't know what I was doing. Yes, I got mastitis 3 times, because of oversupply issues, but once that passed, it was a breeze. I rarely dealt with supply issues, and she was easy to nurse anywhere. I had a happy nursing relationship with her and we nursed until 13 months. It was a little of me and her deciding to be done when we stopped.

Because of my success with Ellie and the positive experience it was, I knew I really wanted to breastfeed my twins. I prayed almost every day of my pregnancy that I would be able to do it. I wanted to do it for many reasons, just like I wanted to with Ellie, almost even more-so than with Ellie. I knew that it was what they needed most, if they came early, which they did, and I really wanted to have the bond with them that I had with Ellie. Reading about nursing twins was terrifying and intimidating. Everything I read talked about how long it would take, how you need to feed them at the same time, how much you're stuck on the couch, pumping to build supply, supplementing, keeping your supply up, and how the first 6 weeks is (pardon my french) pure hell.

Despite all this scary stuff, I made the decision that I would still try, because I really wanted to give them the benefits of breast milk. I told myself I could make it to the first 6 weeks, and if I made it that long, I'd make it to 2 months, and if I made it that long, 12 weeks, and so on.

The day they were born, I was nervous. I was afraid they wouldn't know how to eat because they were coming early. Thankfully there was an amazing lactation consultant at the hospital that helped me out. I needed it. I needed to know it was possible and that I had support. Those first 4 days in the hospital were hard. We went through some problems at first, having to supplement extra pumped milk, because they were getting too tired from breastfeeding, but it worked out.

The first 6 weeks of their lives really are kind of a blur as far as how I even survived. It was hard. It was just as they all said it would be. I was tired beyond exhausted. I never knew exhaustion like this. Like ever. Wow. Thinking about it makes me feel ill, because I felt sick a lot from the exhaustion. But things got better. They were gaining weight at an awesome rate, feeding every 2-3 hours and I was so thankful that I was having the opportunity to do exactly what I wanted to do. Since the birth experience didn't go as I wanted it to, it meant a lot that I was breastfeeding them.

When I think about how amazing it is that I have been able to breastfeed my boys, I am humbled, and in awe of the human body. I mean, it's so amazing that my body can make enough food for two growing babies. I love breastfeeding. I love the bond I have with my boys, and the good happy hormones it releases to make me happy. I love that I can give them the very best thing for them and help them grow!

I hope that I can continue to breastfeed my sweet boys, but I am also realistic in my thinking, knowing that at any moment, things can get too stressful, and I will need to quit so I am not feeling overloaded and crazy. But for now, I'm going to keep my hopes up and try to make it another month, then another, then another then hopefully well past 12 months. 

I'm thankful every day that things are going so well, that it's feeling like second nature to feed the boys and that I'm not having any issues. I have a great support group of other twin moms and good friends who are supportive and helpful when it comes to breastfeeding. So if someone happens upon this and is wondering if it's possible to breastfeed twins, know that it totally is if you are willing to find what works for you and make it work for you and your family. It is so rewarding to have two sweet babies look up at you and smile when you're feeding them! It hasn't been easy, but it's so worth it! Here's to more happy breastfeeding months ahead!

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