Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cameron & Kyle: 4 months

Late again, but I'm going to catch up anyway!

Another month older! I can't believe it's going by so fast, but at the same time it seems like we've been in the baby stage forever. These two little boys keep me tired, happy and on my toes. Here's some things about them at 4 months that I want to remember:

Cameron's stats at 4 months:

Weight: 13 lb 11 oz - 15th percentile
Height: 24"- 8th percentile
Head size: 40 cm - 8th percentile

He's my tiny guy!! He's getting more and more fun lately!

  • He wears size 2 diapers, barely fits into size 3-6 month clothes, and his feet are probably still smaller than a 1.
  • He nurses every 3 hours or so during the day, and 1 or 2 times at night.
  • He takes 2 sometimes 3 naps a day, and is starting to sleep better at night. Still working on that one!
  • He sleeps in the swing, but we're trying to wean him off it slowly.
  • Loves bath time
  • Getting better at tummy time, and occasionally rolls from front to back.
  • It's not so easy to make him smile
  • loves to talk and make noises, but is very quiet when talking, which is funny because he's SO LOUD when he cries!
  • Loves to jump in either the doorway jumper or the floor jumper
  • Loves to stand
  • tries to sit when you hold his hands
  • loves to eat his hands, and anything he can get his hands on
  • he still loves the binky
  • He takes a bottle really well, and sometimes pukes less when he's had a bottle.
  • Loves to hold soft toys, and minky blankets, especially when he's tired.
  • He's starting to play with toys more and more.
  • Starting to kick his feet when he gets excited more and more.
  • He will giggle when you tickle his neck.
  • He likes to play with Ellie and loves to watch her.
  • He gets fussy easily, and sometimes he can be hard to calm down. We're still trying to figure him out.
  • He sort of acts like he might be getting some teeth, but nothing yet.

Kyle's stats at 4 months:

Weight: 15 lb 11.5 oz - 55th percentile
Height: 24" (I think more like 24 1/2") - 21st percentile
Head size: 42 cm - 61st percentile

Kyle's a big boy, and seems even bigger when he's next to Cameron!

  • He wears size 3 diapers, 3-6 month clothes, but his feet are probably size 1.
  • He nurses every 3 hours during the day and 1 or no times at night.
  • He takes 2 or 3 naps a day, and has been sleeping through the night more lately. Even in the crib!
  • He's a lot more aware of toys, people and things lately..
  • He does NOT like it when you set him down and leave the room! He gets a big fat pouty lip and cries a ton.
  • He loves to kick when he's excited and when he's playing
  • he also loves to jump in the doorway jumper or the floor jumper
  • He still hates binkies most of the time, but sometimes when he's really tired, he'll take one to fall asleep
  • He giggles when you tickle his neck and belly
  • He LOVES to talk and eat his hands. Mostly at the same time.
  • He loves to watch people. Especially Ellie. And Ellie is always happy to play with him.
  • He goes to bed pretty easily, and is really the easiest baby on the planet. Only cries when he's hungry, needs a diaper change, or tired. It's awesome.
  • He smiles at ANYTHING and EVERYONE. Seriously, this kid is a little grinner. It's adorable!
  • HE LOVES taking baths, and loves kicking and splashing his feet in the tub.
  • He favors his right side, so we have to kind of force him to look left sometimes.
  • He can roll from tummy to back, but still hates tummy time
I'm sure I'm probably missing some other details about the boys, but this is what I can think of right now.

These little guys bring us so much joy! And YES my hands are full, but so is my heart!

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