Monday, April 29, 2013

Cameron & Kyle: 5 months

5 months. SOOO late... but here we are! Hopefully I'll add pictures later...

5 months has been rough. Teething has started with Cameron, Screaming, crying, napping strikes happened, bedtime strikes. you name it. We were exhausted, we cried, I cried, they cried, we all cried.

Started rolling over more from his belly to his back.
Pushes up really well
Smiles and laughs more
Talks and is social
Loves to play with his toys
Thinks his sister is silly
Loves to play in the jumperoo
Loves the door jumper
wears 3-6 month, and size 3 diapers. Still fits into some 0-3 month clothes.

Rolls all over the place
Pushes up well
loves to smile and laugh
is ticklish on his belly, neck and feet
Loves to play with Ellie
Loves to chew on everything and especially sophie the giraffe
Doesn't like to be set down
is a cuddle bug
Loves the door jumper and jumperoo
at 5 months he wore 3-6 month clothes, and size 3 diapers.

Cameron and Kyle both eat every 3-4 hours during the day, and if they're not sick, then every 4-ish hours at night, but it's been  bad lately with colds, teething and who knows what else.

They both take good naps at 9, 1, and a cat nap at 5. Bedtime is usually around 7:30-8 depending on how quickly we get everything done, and if it's a bath day!

They're growing up so much, it's insane, and I can't believe they're SO BIG!

We love them so much and can't imagine only having one baby! Twins are definitely the way to go for us, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

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