Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year: New Me!


Wow. It's already 2013? STRANGE, but good!

This year, I want to make a conscious effort to be a better person. I want to change bad habits into good routines, be a better example for my kids, find time to do the things I love, and finally be a better wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, etc. 

Here are my overall New Year's Resolutions:

  1. I want to change my bad eating habits into healthy ones: eating my daily recommendation of fruits and veggies is going to be a priority this year!
  2. I want to exercise 30-60 minutes 6x a week. Whether it be running, walking, dancing with Ellie, playing at the park or anything else. I just need to MOVE my body!
  3. In addition to random exercise, this year I really want to run a 5k. That means I need to train for it, and I'm excited to do it!
  4. I'm going to lose the baby weight. Pregnancy with twins did a number to my body, and while I realize it will never be like it used to be, I can sure try my darndest to get it back in shape!
  5. I want to spend more time with my kids. Yes, I'm with them every day, but I want to do the little things that matter with them. Play with them, read and sing with them. Be there for them and not just wish for the days to end, but to enjoy them with my kids.
  6. I want to work harder to study the gospel and to make it a priority to STUDY, not just READ the scriptures.
  7. I'm going to love my body and myself for what and who they are no matter what!
  8. I'm going to learn and try to perfect this piece on the piano. I think it's a beautiful piece, and I have lost a lot of my piano talent, as I haven't had the time or a piano to play on. I don't want to lose my talent completely, so I need to work on something to keep it going!
  9. I'm going to try to keep my home cleaner. With 3 kids 2 and under this will be an interesting challenge.
  10. I want to spend less on silly things, and save for things that matter.
All of these resolutions will make me work hard, and I really REALLY hope that I follow through! I have a better desire to be healthy and a better person this year for some reason. Not sure why, but I do and I'm looking forward to this year!

Happy New Year, Everybody!


L.B. said...

You're ambitious! :o) Love you and happy belated birthday to Ellie!!

L.B. said...

PS - you're beautiful and good luck :o)