Monday, December 10, 2012

Cameron and Kyle: One Month Old!

Cameron and Kyle turned one month old on their due date. How fun!

I took them to their one month check-up on the 4th and they are doing so well! My little guys are thriving and doing great!

Let's start with Mr. Cameron:

  • He's up to 7 lbs 3 oz and is 19.5" long. His head is 36 cm. He's only on the charts for his weight and is currently in the 3rd percentile! At least he's on the charts! :D He's been having issues with spitting up a huge amount, arching his back, being extremely fussy and inconsolable and acting like he's in pain for hours on end. He was diagnosed with reflux and prescribed some Zantac. It has already started to help him, and he's sleeping better, eating better and keeping his food down better! hooray! This makes me very happy, since he is my little guy, I'm always concerned about his weight gain!
  • He eats every 3ish hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night. 
  • He's becoming a better sleeper, but he takes a while to calm down. He hates being wrapped up tightly, but needs to be so he will relax. 
  • He has periods of happy awake time and we're glad he's happy! He loves to look around and explore his world. 
  • He is wearing size nb clothes and diapers.
  • He sleeps best when he's really warm, and loves to sleep in the bouncy seat or swing.
  • He hates riding in the car seat, and usually screams for a good portion of the ride to wherever we're going.
  • He sometimes likes bath time.
  • He is extremely easy going with Ellie's poking/prodding and bugging. It's wonderful.
  • He likes his binky most of the time and it's our favorite when he's being fussy.
  • He has really strong neck muscles, and sometimes tolerates tummy time.
  • He may be small, but he's loud and he'll let you know when he's unhappy!

Now for Mr. Kyle:

  • He is 8 lbs 8 oz, 20.5" long and his head is 37 cm. He's in the 25th percentile for weight and 10th for height! He's pretty much the size of a normal one month old! He's my chubby guy.
  • He's VERY mellow, and thank goodness. With Cameron's reflux and colic, I don't know that we could handle a fussy Kyle, so thank you, Kyle for being a SUPER easy baby!
  • He eats every 3 hours as well, and 3-4 hours at night.
  • He likes to snuggle a LOT. 
  • He loves to be next to his brother, even when it seems Cameron doesn't care ha ha.
  • He sleeps best when he's snuggled with one of us!
  • He doesn't have as much awake time as Cameron, but he's starting to be awake a little bit more now that he's past the due date.
  • He will sleep pretty much anywhere. He falls asleep relatively easily, but gets very upset if he has the tiniest of bubbles in his belly.
  • He is wearing nb and some 0-3 month clothes, and nb diapers.
  • He likes the car seat, and falls asleep very quickly when riding in the car.
  • He hates bottles and binkies. 
  • He is also easy going with Ellie.
  • He hates tummy time, and doesn't do too well lifting up his little head yet, but he'll get there.
Life with twins is a roller coaster. Some days are easy and seem like we've got a good handle on things, then there are days like yesterday when they wanted to eat every hour-hour and a half!! At least they slept well last night!

They are such a joy to have in our lives! I can't imagine life with just one baby. It would be so easy ha ha! I wouldn't know what to do with all the extra time I would have!! I'm thankful that we've made it to my goal (almost) of nursing for at least the first 6 weeks! Things are going well though, so I don't think we're quitting any time soon. Sometimes they eat at the same time (daytime only) and at night I always feed one right after another.

Life is busy, but it's a joyous kind of busy because having two adorable little boys look up at you with their little baby faces makes all the tough times worth it! They are so much fun, even though I hit my breaking point and hit my exhaustion limit every single day!

We played around with the camera the other day and here are some pictures (none of them are edited...that will come when I have more than a few minutes...Also I was using my phone's real camera died. Next month I shall plan this out better!!)

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