Monday, December 10, 2012

Ellie: 23 months

Less than one month and my baby girl turns two!? How has time gone by that fast!!?

Ellie's a sweetheart, and we love her to death! She has really grown up these past few months since I was on bed rest and the babies got here. She is a good little helper and at times she throws the biggest fits, but hey...she's 2...

Here are some things about Ellie at 23 months:

  • She wears 24 month clothes, size 5 shoes and size 4 diapers.
  • She loves to eat bananas, apples, clementines, dried apricots, raisins, peas, green beans, yogurt and pretty much any other fruit! She's starting to eat meat more, and loves rotisserie chicken.
  • She's very accommodating and has done surprisingly well with the twins' arrival.
  • She no longer uses a binky! WOOHOO! Mostly due to the fact that my mom was strict with it while she was here. There were times I wanted to give in, but my mom wouldn't let me and now I'm glad because she's off of them!
  • She sleeps in a twin size bed and LOVES her bed!
  • She loves to talk all the time and most of the time we have no clue what she's saying.
  • She loves to hold her brothers and help out any way she can.
  • She also loves to scream when they scream and mimic them. It's super annoying.
  • She loves to dance and play with anything.
  • She has great rhythm and likes to tap her toes to the beat of a song.
  • Netflix is her best friend and she totally knows how to play stuff if it's already turned on. This is a good and a bad thing.
  • She frequently plays baby with her dolls and loves to put them in the swings, car seats and bouncy seat.
  • She waits until we go get her to get out of her bed in the morning and for naps. It's amazing. 
  • She sleeps from about 8-9 and usually takes a 2-3 hour nap.
My time is limited, but these are the most memorable things I can think of about her. She is a sweetheart even though she keeps us super busy. I love that she is getting better at listening, even if it's just for a short time! We love her so much and are so happy she's a part of our big little family.

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