Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cameron & Kyle: 2 months old

One more month has come and gone, and little Cameron and Kyle are growing up so fast!

 My handsome little guys!!
 Cameron and his Tiger                                       Kyle and his Elephant
My handsome little Cameron!
 I didn't rotate this one, sorry Kyle! But look at those BLUE eyes. Aren't they dreamy? :)

This picture sums up how picture taking went today...

Things about Cameron at 2 months old:

  • At his 2 month check-up, he weighed 10 lbs 3 oz, 6th percentile and was 21 inches long! He's only on the charts for his weight and head size, which is 38.5 cm, 27th percentile.
  • He wears size 1 diapers, and size 0-3 month clothes.
  • He loves to hold blankets, burp cloths, my shirt, hair, really anything soft in his hand when he's falling asleep.
  • He loves his binky.
  • He loves his soft minky blanket, especially when he's tired. He likes it touching his face.
  • Sitting in the car seat isn't so bad anymore!
  • He nurses every 2-3 1/2 hours during the day, and will usually have one 5 hour stretch at night, if I'm lucky, he'll have two 5 hour stretches.
  • He is very alert and aware of his surroundings. He loves to just look around and take in the world.
  • He is a little cuddle bug and LOVES to fall asleep on our chests.
  • He loves having a bath.
  • He's starting to smile a bit more here and there, but he hasn't quite gotten it yet.
  • He loves to fall asleep in bed with me.
  • He has to have Zantac twice a day still, for reflux, but it usually helps him with the pain. Only sometimes with the puke...
  • He takes 3 naps, but we're still trying to figure his nap schedule out!
  • He loves to sleep in the swing and bouncy seat.

Things about Kyle at 2 months old:

  • He weighed 11 lbs 7 oz , 26th percentile and was 22.5 inches long, 23rd percentile. His head is 39 cm and that's in the 41st percentile.
  • He wears size 1 diapers, and size 0-3 month clothes.
  • He loves to snuggle more than Cameron does, and will fall asleep easily when being held or laying down with you.
  • He's not so much a fan of the binky, but will take the Avent silicone one and sometimes a Nuk brand when he's super sleepy.
  • He loves to sit in the bouncy seat and swing, and often falls asleep in either one.
  • He is a super stuffy little guy, and often has to have his nose suctioned out after we pump it full of saline. Hopefully as he grows this trend doesn't continue!
  • He is a super smiley guy, and smiles at just about anything!
  • He makes the most adorable frowny face, and I may or may not make him make it a lot because of how cute it is. lol!
  • He takes 3 naps and sleeps for 1 4-5 hour stretch at night, and 1 3 hour stretch.
  • He nurses every 2-3 hours.
  • He loves bath time.
They can recognize us from pretty far away, and love to follow us across the room. They like their sister for the most part, except for when she makes them cry by putting her face on their faces, rubbing their heads or just getting too close to them.

They are getting SO much easier to deal with and we rarely are feeling like pulling our hair out these days, so that's an improvement!

They're the best thing that has happened to us, and I love to have them in my life. Even through the hard times, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Some of my best moments are when I'm snuggling them while nursing them and realizing how incredibly blessed I am to have them here with me.

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