Monday, September 3, 2012

Ellie: 20 Months old

Ellie just keeps growing up and I can't believe how fast it's happening! Yesterday, she turned 20 months old! I can't believe she'll be 2 in 4 months! That also means Christmas is in less than 4 months! CRAZY! This year has FLOWN by!!

Ellie has started a few new phases that I'm not particularly fond of. One of them is when we ask her to be nice, she will do the exact opposite and start throwing things, hitting things, you name it! No idea why the sudden change from real nice to mean "nice" started. Another phase she has really been into lately is throwing things when she's upset. Not just like picking it up and dropping it, either. I mean like FULL-ON throwing something across the room. It's annoying. I don't see her growing out of them any time soon, so I guess we will just try to figure out how to deal with her bad phases and get her to be good!

Here are a few things about Ellie at 20 months old:

  • She loves to watch TV. However, if you try to turn something on that she DOESN'T want to watch, you better watch out...because she will throw a huge fit. For example: if I start Super Why! and she really wanted to watch the Cat in the Hat, she will scream NO and "HATTIE!!!" until I change it to what she wants. Ugh.
  • She is almost done getting her 4th molar, and she has gotten so many teeth in the last month it's crazy! Yet, she still has no I teeth. They'll come, I'm sure.
  • She can fit into size 3 diapers still, but we've moved her up to size 4 for the times she's in 'sposies and not cloth (which to be honest is more now that I have less energy and desire to deal with washing diapers)
  • She wears size 18 month clothes, but can fit into some 24 month clothes depending on the brand and size 5 shoes.
  • She is getting really good at communicating with us and is learning lots of new words every day.
  • She can recognize 5 different letters, B, E, I, O and Q. Who knows how Q got into the mix...I think it was either Super Why! or Leap Frog Alphabet something or other on Netflix. Hey, at least I can feel less guilty for letting her watch shows when she's learning from them.
  • She loves to scowl if she's the least bit upset with something going on, and it's hilarious. It's always hard not to laugh when she gets mad because she makes the cutest mad face.
  • She's obsessed with the Talking Tom app and asks for it EVERY day!
  • Eating has become better in the last couple of weeks. She's been willing to try new things (especially if I make sure she hasn't had too many snacks before lunch or dinner) but she is still obsessed with her regular foods: bananas, blueberries & strawberries.
  • She is still super clingy most days and wants "monie" not daddy. I wish I could get her to let David do more things for her, because I have no energy by the time he gets home from work! 
  • Her favorite place to be is outside exploring.
  • Her favorite animal is a cat and she will meow at a picture of a cat for what seems like an eternity.
  • She loves to look at a flashcards app I have and repeats every word and animal it says. It's really quite impressive!
  • She loves to sing nursery songs and dance to just about any music. Although LMFAO Party Rock is still her favorite!
  • She loves babies and every time she sees a baby she says, "Baby. Cry."
  • She is a sweet little girl and she is nice to everyone as long as she gets what she wants! HA HA!
There are so many more things I could write about Ellie. She's such a joy to have around and I'm so happy to be her mommy! I am slightly worried about how she'll react to the twins coming, but I know she will love her little brothers and help mommy when she can!


Erica said...

Just fyi: I teeth normally come in after the 1st 4 molars are in. They're the last teeth to come in (before the 2 year second set of molars).

Shari said...

Interesting and good to know! My friend's little girl who is 3 months younger than Ellie got her I teeth before most of her other teeth, so I figured Ellie was behind. I guess everyone's different though!