Tuesday, September 25, 2012

30.5 weeks and only 6.5 left!!!

Today I had my 30 week appointment. Things are going well, I've gained about 33ish pounds and my blood pressure is normal and healthy.

I got to have an ultrasound today and here is what I learned because of it:

  • Baby A currently weighs 3 lbs 9 oz and is head down. He's in the 43rd percentile for growth.

  • Baby B currently weighs 3 lbs 15 oz and is breech. He's in the 67th percentile for growth.
  • Both babies heart rates were in the 140s and healthy, and they're both doing well.
  • Baby A was stubborn and didn't want to show his face to the ultrasound tech, and baby B is more active and crazy than baby A!

In talking with the Dr. today, we decided it would be wise to just schedule a c-section for 37 weeks, which is November 9th! Crazy, and I totally don't want a c-section, but it seems I'm going to end up with one unless baby B really cooperates!! If he decides to cooperate and I haven't had them by 37 weeks, my c-section can then be turned into an induction and hopefully that will lead to a good vaginal delivery of both babies. Any prayers that I get to have them without a c-section would be greatly appreciated!! The Dr. also said that they will aggressively try to stop labor before I hit the 34 week mark, so I can pretty much count on making it that far at LEAST. If I make it to about 35 1/2 weeks then I will be able to have the babies at the smaller community hospital here,which is what I want more than anything. I loved having Ellie at Orem Community Hospital because it was small and very personable, so I'd like to have the babies at Franklin Woods, not Johnson City Medical Center. However, if there are complications, I'll be having them at JCMC, which won't be the end of the world. When it comes down to it, I just want to get my babies here and have them healthy!

Things have been going OK so far. I am definitely feeling super pregnant, and now that I know the combined weight of both babies is MORE than Ellie was when she was born, I know why I feel this way! I have lots of pain and discomfort all day long no matter what I'm doing or how I'm doing it! I wouldn't say I'm used to it, but I have just accepted the fact that it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. I'm not able to do a whole lot before my body tells me that it's finished and is giving up for the rest of the day, and if you walked into my house, you'd be able to tell...Ugh. Hate that I can't keep up with everything anymore!

I am getting more excited to meet these babies, but mostly to get them out of my ribs! I'm excited to see how Ellie does with having TWO little babies in the house but I'm nervous as well. She loves other babies, so hopefully she'll love her little brothers! I start going to the Dr. twice a week starting in 2 weeks, so that's fun...I will have NST's and normal check-ups every Tuesday and Friday, and ultrasounds about every 4 weeks or so. I'm pretty much going to feel like I live at the Dr.'s office! Not much else to say, so here are my normal questions:

How far along are you: 30 weeks 4 days

Maternity clothes: Are becoming too small...

Sleep: I need to try to get MORE of this, because I fight my brain to fall asleep at night!

Best moment this week: Knowing that I will be 100% done by November 9th!

Miss anything: My lungs being able to expand and my ribs being un-occupied!

Movement: Lots, but only crazy movement when I'm trying to sleep.

Food cravings: Ice cream, cookies, milk.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I forget to eat.

Have you started to show yet: this shouldn't even be a question anymore

Gender: Two little boys, and we've figure out who gets what name and what middle name and I'm so excited to announce their names and see them once they get here!

Belly button in or out: Big time out and stretched to the max, almost looks like it's bruised for 3 inches all the way around it!!!

Labor signs: Daily contractions, but never more than 4/hour.

Wedding rings on or off: On! So happy I'm not swelling at all!!

Looking forward to: November, when they'll be here and I'll be done!!

Too lazy to go take a pic, so I guess we'll have to wait until next time, if I'm feeling like taking pictures of myself at that point...

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