Saturday, October 13, 2012

Any day now, huh?

No, Mr. I've never met you before and why are you talking to me and asking about my ginormica belly (which mind you is ONLY 38 cm...plenty of people prego with singletons get bigger than I am now...) while I sit and wait for my food at Five Guy's!!!

Seriously, biggest reason I'm GLAD I'm on bed rest. I surely could do without all the "any day now" comments and, "oh, looks like you're gonna have another baby real soon". 

I get it. I'm large, you're curious, so you make a comment. So I explain, "No. Not any day now, because I'm having twins, and I need to make it for a while longer." Yes, twins usually come early, and full term is considered different with twins. Oh, you want to know my life story now, well guess what?! I don't want to share it with you but I will so you stop talking to me. 

My answers to the most annoying questions I get WHEREVER I go:

  • Yes, twins run in my family. If you want to know how many twins are in my family, then you're gonna have to sit down with me for an hour because there's a ridiculously large amount.
  • No, I didn't think I would ever have twins even though they "run in my family"Who thinks they're REALLY going to have spontaneous twins? Anyone?? P.S. if they're identical, then guess what, it was by chance, not genetics. That status will be determined after they're born.
  • YES this pregnancy was planned. Thank you for asking, wanna know the details!? Obviously you can't "plan" for twins unless you're doing IVF or some other fertility treatments, which we did not. Also if it was a singleton like we of course imagined it would be then my first and would be second child would have been 23 months apart. i.e. ALMOST 2 years. We wanted it that way. But because it's twins it's not going to be that way and I'm thankful no matter what. 
  • Yes, I have a 21 month old daughter at home. Thanks for the mortified look on your face after that response.
  • Yes I am going to "have my hands full". Thank you for telling me.
  • Yes, I'll probably have more children, but I haven't even decided that one yet and why does it matter to you, Wal-Mart check-out lady?! Geesh, I'm pregnant with twins, do we need to be discussing this right now, especially since I don't even know you!?!
  • I'm having twin boys, and yes they can tell what gender the babies are "these days".
  • I'm due in November. This is my easy answer and if I tell you my "real" due date, you'll look at me like I'm huge and I'll have to explain myself and tell you my life story and you'll probably ask all of the above questions, so I'll just leave it at I'm due in November.

This week alone I have answered almost all those questions to people who I've never met and who frankly in my opinion shouldn't be asking me such personal stuff. The maintenance guy who came to look at our fridge said as he was leaving the house, "Looks like you'll be havin' another baby real soon, huh?" I just left it at that. I felt like I didn't need to tell him anything else since he was on his way out.  

I'm not writing these things to be rude or anything, but seriously I don't want to be asked any of these things by people I've never met before! Thank goodness nobody has tried to touch my belly, because I guarantee if they tried they'd be sorry and I'd be explaining to some manager or security personnel why I punched them, smacked their hand away or any other method of keeping someone from invading my personal space. Also, NO pregnant woman no matter how big she is or how miserable she looks wants to hear ANY FORM of, "You gonna have that baby yet?". Trust me.

So as I said before this is one reason I'm glad I'm on bed rest and don't have to deal with this much anymore. All I get to deal with are people in my OB's office that look at me like I'm ready to pop. At least they don't say anything. Looks are much better than obnoxious conversations with strangers.

Sorry, I had to vent since yesterday after my appointment when David and I grabbed lunch at Five Guy's some guy in his 40s had to make the "any day now" comment and I had to give him my life story including answering his question about how far along I am and him saying, "Oh, there's not that much longer until you're full term then, right?" Well actually full term is still 37 weeks, and that's another month away from 33 weeks... Ugh. People. I'm not a people person when I'm pregnant. Well, I take that back...I'm not a stranger people person when I'm pregnant, or actually ever.

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