Monday, June 11, 2012

The next 15 days can't come fast enough!!

Warning, venting and emotionalness ahead...

Tonight I'm having a hard time with everything. I really *want* to like it here in Tennessee, I do. I just am having a really hard time liking it. Sure, it's pretty, people are friendly, we have a nice place to live, David has a great job, but none of those things are making up for how I'm feeling now.

I miss my old ward. I am having a hard time liking the ward here. There aren't any other young couples and it's really hard for me since that's where I was hoping to make friends. I've made a couple of friends here so far, but you can't replace your friends, and I'm REALLY missing the friends I have that I'm so far away from right now. I was way too spoiled to have the best friend I could ever have living right next door to me and now it's totally killing me to not have someone nearby I can just visit with!!

I'm having a hard time with the fact that there's not really a good place for Ellie and I to go play that is within walking distance. The grass at our house is so terrible that it's not for playing, as it's full of poky, prickly weeds. There isn't anywhere for us to go on walks, except up and down our street, which is not great, either.

I have a hard time being motivated to actually do things during the day, because I always feel like I have nobody to see, nowhere to go, and not much to look forward to, so I just bum around and attempt to be productive. Because we only have one car, I couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to anyway, so that makes me even less motivated to do anything.

Most of all, I miss my family. Not that I was with them every single day, but the mere thought of being able to drive just a little while to see them was great, and I miss having them close to me, especially when I know they're all together celebrating something or having fun.

It's hard to be excited for the weekends here, because I feel like there's not really anything fun for us to do, other than sit around our house! I miss the many things to do in Provo/Utah County and people to have fun with!

All in all, I'm having a REALLY hard time liking living in Tennessee. It's pretty pathetic when I've only been here for about a month and a half and I'm already counting down the days (15!!!!) to when I'm going back to Utah again! Don't get me wrong, I'm not ungrateful that we're starting a new chapter in our lives and that we have the great opportunity to be here, I'm just having a REALLY REALLY REALLY hard time with it, and it's no fun to feel this way.

Anyway, enough venting/ranting/whining/complaining. I'm going to go sit on the couch and maybe I'll fall asleep sometime tonight??

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