Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day weekend, we headed down to Dudley, Georgia to attend David's niece's graduation. Crazy! He has a niece that is not much younger than I am! Anyway, it was a great opportunity to see some family we haven't seen in a couple years, and it was also a great opportunity for Ellie to meet cousins, aunts and an uncle that she's never met before!

I don't think I took any pictures (fail) but we had a good time. We only stayed until Sunday, because we wanted to make the long (6-6.5 hours) drive back home and still have a day where we could get a few things squared away back home. 

On Monday, we did a lot of running around, as well as some shopping! We bought some flowers to plant in our little basket that is on our front porch and David and I each bought a new pair of shorts! Woohoo...maternity shorts... hah!

After getting back home, we fed Ellie a quick lunch, then decided to head to the lake. It was about 30 minutes away, but it was well worth it. We paid our $2 day use fee and parked on the grass on the side of the street because it was SO darn crowded! Even though there were so many people, we still had a lot of fun.

Here are some pictures

I only added this one because Ellie looked so cute...now if only I didn't look like I was in pain, or something...

Ellie didn't want to leave, but I was getting tired, and I was also burning so after about 1 1/2 hours, we called it quits. We came back home, cleaned up and assembled our little mini grill that we've NEVER used that we got for our wedding. It worked well and we had some tasty hot dogs and macaroni salad. 

All in all, it was a great weekend and we had a lot of fun!

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