Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cloth diapering adventure

So, we've made it through 3 days of using cloth diapers 85% of the time. I haven't used them yet for naps, or night time, but I am going to use them today for Ellie's afternoon nap with a doubler.

Warning, poo talk ahead...but hey, this IS a post about diapers!

So far, so good! We did have an uh-oh moment when Ellie had pooped in a disposable and I figured she was done, so I had David put her in a cloth diaper without a liner (the liner is something that sits in between the baby and the diaper and catches solid messes, and you just take it out of the diaper and flush it) BUUUUT she decided she wasn't done and we had a big mess on our hands, since we didn't yet have a diaper sprayer. Whoa, that was a long sentence. Anywho, after finding a tutorial for a DIY sprayer, we headed off to Home Depot, got the parts and we were all set.

Turns out, using a diaper sprayer isn't as easy as it seems. At least not when you're dealing with peanut butter poop. uggh. Anyway, problem solved, we got over it and we're still learning. The diapers washed up BEAUTIFULLY, and have absolutely NO stink to them! I was worried that they would, since you have to use a detergent with no fragrance, additives, etc. But, no fear, they are perfect.

I am in LOVE with the diapers we've chosen. I only have 6 right now, because I wasn't 100% sure that I really wanted to do it, but after 3 days I promise you that I'm not looking back! Ellie really doesn't seem to notice a difference in the diapers, and they really aren't super bulky, so her clothes all fit her just fine.

We're using the bumGenius 4.0 One-Size diaper with snaps. I got them on sale with their buy 5 get 1 free, so that's a bonus! They fit incredibly well, have TONS of adjustability (it's a word, I promise :P ) and we haven't had a single leak yet! We even left her in one for 3-4 hours, ish? With cloth diapers, they suggest you change your baby more often, since they aren't filled with chemicals and a such to hold a gazillion ounces of wetness.

Here are some pictures of what they look like:

I was a total non-believer before, and I really don't know why I didn't try these earlier! Oh well. I can know that I will save my money from here on out! They are super easy, not any grosser than disposables, and they save TONS of money!

Say what you will about cloth diapering, but I guarantee that if you tried the BG 4.0, you wouldn't be unhappy!

1 comment:

Sterling Bo said...

As far as that peanut butter consistency, I know it sounds gross but we just plop the diaper yuck-side-down in the toilet for an hour or two (when we won't be having company!), then spray it off. It's a lot less hassle. Still not a breeze, but it at least doesn't have to be scraped.