Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pictures and updates

So I finally got around to plugging my camera in to my computer so I could get pictures off of it! It's about time! Some of them are from before my birthday in March! hah!

This is my best friend, Hillary. She and I ran a 5k that our stake put on. I suck at running, and didn't actually "run" the whole thing. Maybe next time?

David and I celebrated my birthday at Tucanos! Tasty!

We took our last trip to Roosevelt before leaving to TN for Easter weekend. It was a lot of fun and we had an Easter Egg Hunt for all the grand kids! They loved it!

Grandma & Grandpa wanted a picture with Ellie before we left!

Ellie decided to learn some calculus...

David graduated from BYU! WOOHOO! We celebrated California Pizza Kitchen style!

 This is Ellie and Lexi. Lexi is Ellie's best little friend ever! She's only 3 months younger, and they love to do everything together!

Playing around our apartment for the last time while the movers pack us up!

Ellie stole the neighbor kid's tricycle and she wouldn't get off of it! Luckily, the other kids were all at school!

Just before leaving to TN, we stayed with my brother, Boyd and his family. This is Ellie playing in the little playroom with her cousin Scarlett.

Checking out the airport and the airplanes!

Ellie's first flight!

Only one of the fun adventures we've had in TN so far. We went and visited David's sister Alayna and her family and David's parents for a day. We all went to these fun fountains and Ellie had a blast...until she got knocked over and hit her little head on the concrete. OUCH! She was OK though and still had a pretty good day after that!

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