Saturday, June 16, 2012

16 weeks pregnant with Twins

How far along are you: 16 weeks 1 day

Maternity clothes: Pants but not shirts.

Sleep: It's getting harder to stay comfortable while I sleep, but it's not impossible unless Ellie decides to be a monster like last night and keep me awake all night. Yuck.

Best moment this week: Going to my 16 week appointment and having a doctor who not only is in favor of pushing for a normal, non-c-section birth, but who did us an AWESOME favor that will be blogged about later :) He had a very open mind and didn't try to just shoot down my plans for an unmedicated birth like the first doctor I saw. He was also VERY impressed that I had Ellie unmedicated because he said at least 80% of the people who plan to go without an epidural don't go through with it! That gave me a reason to be proud of myself with Ellie, and more hope for having the experience I want! Thank heavens there is at least ONE doctor in the practice that's on my side!

Miss anything: Other than being comfortable, nope.

Movement: More than last week, but always very spastic and out of nowhere.

Food cravings: Sweets, SWEETS, sweets, SWEETS and SWEEEEETS! Holy moly, I have never in my life wanted so much sweet food! Luckily, I don't keep much sweet food other than fruit and honey in the house so it's not really a problem. I just let myself have cravings and get over it by replacing it with something else that is a better option.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just when I don't get enough sleep, or haven't eaten in a while.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, but I'm still in that stage where people would probably not dare ask me, for fear that I've just had too much to eat lately and am not pregnant.

Gender: I have no inclinations one way or the other, I just want to find out! Luckily, we find out at my next appointment!

Belly button in or out: More out than in. Good thing it's not like the Turkey timer, because I am definitely NOT done!

Labor signs: Nada

Wedding rings on or off: On. I'm hoping things are similar to when I was pregnant with Ellie and I don't get super swollen, because that was one of the best things I had going for me!

Looking forward to: Like I said, the next appointment, because we get to find out what they are and I CANNOT WAIT!

Things are all going well and the babies are healthy as far as we know. We opted to not do the amniocentisis and when we have our big 20 week ultrasound, we'll be able to see that everything is going well for sure. The babies' heart rates were in the 130s for baby A and in the 140s for baby B. Does this mean they're different genders? WHO KNOWS! Make sure you take the poll on the top of my blog!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I'm so excited for you!! I still can't believe that you're having twins! I voted both boy but it's just a guess :)