Tuesday, August 14, 2012

24 1/2 weeks

I had my 24 week appointment today. I had the great privilege of having to take the Glucose Tolerance Test. Yuck. At least this time I had a choice between orange or fruit punch. I chose fruit punch because orange rates higher on the nasty scale than fruit punch. I made it through drinking it, but felt ill for the next hour as I sat waiting to be seen. At the end of my appointment they took my blood, and I'll hear back from them in about a week about the results. Let's hope I passed, because I don't want to do the 3 hour test, in which you drink 2 of those nasty drinks and get your blood taken twice!!

In other news, I had an ultrasound to check growth and to look at Baby A's face, since he was being stubborn and wouldn't give the ultrasound tech a clear shot of his nose and lips at our 20 week ultrasound. This time, he cooperated, and they were able to get the pictures of what they needed. Hooray. Both babies look good and everything is normal (another hooray!). I hadn't really told anyone but a select few that at the 20 week ultrasound, baby B had cysts on his brain and a heart problem. The Dr. assured me all was well at the time, and to NOT look up anything online because it would scare the crap out of me and do me no good!! Well, of course, I didn't listen, and I looked up things online and I flipped out, cried, freaked out, cried some more and read some horror stories of babies born (if they're lucky) with Trisomy 18. Unlike others genetic problems, this one cannot be lived with and the chance that the baby actually is born living is very low. Sad disease and I hope nobody ever has to deal with it! Anyway, long story short, the cysts on Baby B's brain have resolved and all is normal with him! So, big sigh of relief!!

Baby A is measuring at 24 weeks 2 days, weighs 1 lb 6 oz and is in the 14th percentile. His heart rate was 140 BPM. Baby B is measuring at 24 weeks 5 days, weighs 1 lb 9 oz and is in the 41st percentile. His heart rate was 135 BPM. Baby A is head down (woot woot!) and Baby B is breech (sad face) and they are side by side with A on the left B on the right. This explains why I feel way more movement from A. Because his feet are up by my ribs!!! I really liked the Dr. I saw today because he took the initiative of telling me everything up front instead of me having to ask a billion questions (which I did ANYWAY). He was very thorough and I liked that a lot. He said the likelihood that B will flip is not in my favor. This is bad news. Especially since B is the bigger twin, too!! We went over the signs of preterm labor, preeclampsia and when to call for anything. This assured me that I know when things are OK and when to get to the Dr.'s office. I'm thankful for that since this whole pregnancy feels like a first-time pregnancy since it is SO DIFFERENT than having a singleton!

Now for my normal list of questions and answers.

Here is a picture from Sunday when I was 24 weeks 2 days:

How far along are you: 24 weeks 4 days

Maternity clothes:

I'm sleeping great, actually! The only problems are having pelvic bone pain when I try to roll over/get up out of bed.

Best moment this week:
Being done drinking that nasty glucose drink!

Miss anything:
Cookie dough. I made some eggless cookie dough, and it was sickly sweet. Not a fan...

Tons and tons, though sometimes they calm down and sleep. Miraculously I think they even sleep at the same time!

Food cravings: Comfort fooooooods.

Anything making you queasy or sick: 
Glucose Tolerance Test drinks!

Have you started to show yet:
Yep, and my belly is measuring 30.5 cm So it's like I'm already 30 weeks along! I wish!!!
Boy A and Boy B. Names: Ben & Jerry, Copy & Paste, Gregory & Gabriel (can you image that with the last name Grigsby!?) We've got real names, but they're a secret until the babies come. Why? Because I'd like to hear everyone's opinions AFTER I have named my boys. Not before, because I REALLY REALLY love the names we picked :D

Belly button in or out:
Out. I'm wondering if it can get even more out? We'll see.

Labor signs:
No labor signs. I have had contractions from dehydration/doing too much, but that's nothing that can't be resolved by drinking two glasses of water and lying down on my left side for an hour or so :D

Wedding rings on or off:
On. No swelling here :)

Looking forward to: Hearing that I don't need to take another GTT! Cross your fingers that my blood sugars like me! Also looking forward to being comfortable again!

Everything is looking a-OK and I am glad. The Dr. doesn't want me to be doing much exercise other than living my daily life since preterm labor is such a huge risk. This means I need to cut back on the ice cream so I don't swell up like a balloon from eating my feelings and cravings since I am not really doing much to combat weight gain. I will return BACK to the Dr. in 2 weeks because they want to closely measure growth of the babies, especially since one is measuring bigger than the other. Fun. I can't wait until I get to go to the Dr. TWICE A WEEK starting at 28 weeks ;)

K, time for a nap. Ellie is sleeping, and I should be, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shari I will have to look this up but on my pinterest I pinned a blog recipe for vegan cookie dough that used cannelloni beans and there were hundreds of rave reviews from vegans and non vegans alike, you should try making it. Lindsay kirby