Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ellie: 18 months

I can't believe my little Ellie is 18 months, but she is! She's getting to be such a big girl and is growing up more and more every day!

She's a busy little girl that keeps me on my toes 90% of the time and I just love her!

Here are some things about her at 18 months:

  • She has 9 teeth now! One tooth came in right as we were going to Utah at the end of June, and she's got two molars coming in.
  • She is addicted to her binky and has to have it everywhere. I was hoping to get it away from her by 18 months, but no such luck. Maybe after this round of teething is over?? She calls it her "ginky" and always knows where we hide them!!
  • She has recently become a picky eater, but will still eat goldfish, grapes, bananas, cheese of any kind, turkey lunch meat, bread (sometimes), pretzels, peas, rice, pasta of any kind (except mac & cheese), watermelon, apples and sometimes bell peppers, cooked or raw. She won't eat much meat, especially not beef! I have no idea why.
  • She is wearing size 4-5 shoes, size 3 diapers and 18 month clothes (though the few 12 month things I haven't put away yet still fit).
  • She can say a big variety of words and is now especially good at saying "mine" since our visit to Utah. She and her little cousin who is almost 2 years older than her didn't always play super well, and she picked up mine pretty quickly! She loves to say "hewwo" when picking up a phone, remote or anything else she thinks is a phone. She jabbers all the time, and sometimes I can understand what she wants/needs.
  • Her favorite show is Curious George (thank you, Netflix!) and sometimes it allows me to get some quiet time for 20 minutes/clean up uninterrupted, do what I need to do!
  • She always wants to go "buh bye" and if we forget to lock the front door, that's exactly what she'll do!
  • She loves giving hugs and kisses and isn't satisfied unless she gives you a kiss on the lips.
  • She loves to sing and dance and twirl around the room.
  • Her favorite toys are her stuffed kitty, her baby and the doll stroller. She will push that thing around forever, and also try to get inside it, too!
She is a silly girl and we love her so much! I still have to make her 18 month appointment, so after that, I can update with her stats as far as weight/height go. I'm guessing she's about 23 or 24 lbs.


Emily said...

That is so funny that she doesn't like beef very much, because Cohen won't eat it either... he really isn't a big meat fan, anyway. The only way I can get him to eat it is to hide in a quesadilla.

Shari said...

Even when I put it in something, Ellie will eat around it. I finally got her to eat some boneless skinless chicken thighs on Sunday because she was starving and that was the only thing I put on her plate to get her to eat it first! It worked then, but didn't work yesterday! Silly kids! At least she'll eat other sources of protein!