Friday, July 13, 2012

Twins: 20 weeks

Sorry no picture today. I didn't take one yesterday, and I am having an "I hurt too much to care about what I look like" day today.

How far along are you: 19 weeks 6 days

Maternity clothes: Still pants but I can get away with my long shirts.

Sleep: I have a hard time getting comfortable enough to fall asleep, but once I do I can sleep through the night without having to get up to use the bathroom (woohoo!) I sleep between 9-10 hours a night, and I need every minute I can get!

Best moment this week: Having a good Dr. appointment and meeting another Dr. in the office that is pro-vaginal delivery with twins instead of the younger Dr.'s approach of auto schedule c-sections for twins!

Miss anything: Being able to do anything I want without pain, limitations, lack of energy, and cookie dough.

Movement: Yes, but not tons still.

Food cravings: Comfort foods, sweets, foods that don't give me heartburn!

Anything making you queasy or sick: If heartburn counts as sick then yes. It showed up a few nights ago out of nowhere. Lame.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, and today when I had my appointment my big belly measured 27 cm, 7 weeks ahead of what I am! No wonder my body is thinking it's so much further along with TWO!

Gender: 100% confirmed two little boys!

Belly button in or out: It's all out these days. No signs of ever going back! hah.

Labor signs: Not that I have been aware of, but I have had some instances where I'm doing too much too fast and I start to hurt so I have to rest. Hoping I avoid pre-term labor, as this is what will put me on bed rest!

Wedding rings on or off: On. No swelling yet.

Looking forward to: My next appointment and the end...ha ha!

The babies both looked good today. Baby A wouldn't give us a shot of his face, so we'll have an ultrasound at my next appointment. They are both head down and I hope they want to stay that way to make things easier!

1 comment:

L.B. said...

Yay for boys! I'm sure you're looking beautiful as always! Take care :o)