Friday, July 27, 2012

Twin pregnancy: 22 weeks down, 18 to go!

How far along are you: 22 weeks!

Maternity clothes:
The "maternity clothes are necessary if I want to go in public" phase has hit! My bump is too big for all my shirts, so basically I have officially been limited to like 3 outfits I can wear in public. Luckily, I don't go many places, so this isn't much of an issue! I do have quite a few sweaters/long sleeve maternity shirts from when I was pregnant with Ellie, but I don't have much when it comes to short sleeve shirts...guess I need to go shopping...

I am sleeping well for the most part, but I have been waking up earlier every day regardless of when I go to bed, so that's kind of a bummer! At least it gives me time to myself with Ellie still sleeping in the morning.

Best moment this week:
Hm, Was there a "best moment" this week? I don't think so. Not my favorite week.

Miss anything:
The days when my pelvic bone didn't feel like it was splitting in two.

Yep. Pretty sure these little guys are having boxing matches in my belly from time to time.

Food cravings:
Ice cream. Lots of it. ha ha! Oh, and Marv n'Joes! USU peeps should know what these are. It's french bread (or any thick cut home-made bread) with butter, garlic salt, then a couple slices of ripe fresh tomatoes, then some pepper then a drizzle of olive oil and vinegar and a slice of provolone cheese with a sprinkle of Parmesan on top. Then you broil it until it's a bit brown and crusty. Delish. Everyone needs to try it. NOW!

Anything making you queasy or sick:
Other than the scary bugs here in TN, nope!

Have you started to show yet:
You betcha! 

Two boys :) I'm thinking Hortimer and Mortimer for names? ;) They're family names...

Belly button in or out:
Out out OUT.

Labor signs:
Had some contractions on Sunday and Monday so I went in to get checked. No dilating here, but they want me to rest and take it easy as much as possible with an 18 month old. :) It's been going OK but I've been feeling much better since Monday.

Wedding rings on or off:
On. No swelling yet, however I think my feet are getting bigger! My favorite pair of heels doesn't fit anymore.

Looking forward to:
Having everything purchased and set up for the babies! I am having a lot of anxiety lately and I just want to GET IT ALL DONE! I know I'm not due for technically 18 weeks, but by golly I want to get everything ready and set up by the end of August for a few reasons. 1. I doubt I will be very mobile as time goes on, so I want to do it while I'm feeling good 2. I just want it done! 3. I hope they come at 37 weeks. Or 37 weeks 1 day, so their birthday will be 11/10/12. I need more children with awesome birthday's since Ellie's is 1/1/11!

In other news, I'm contemplating what to do for bedding sets, nursery decor and what not. Buying TWO bedding sets is so pricey, especially when I am already planning on buying a double stroller and two of so many other things. But I'm sure having two babies will be a joyous fun adventure we will enjoy!

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