Sunday, May 20, 2012

Twins are normal in my family...

So, to tell you the truth, I wasn't TOO shocked to find out that we were having twins. Why is this, you ask? Well because there is a CRAZY LARGE amount of twins in my family. It's pretty much freakish, and not normal.

In my immediate family alone, there are 3 sets of twins. My dad is a twin, I have twin brothers, and one of my twin brothers has twin sons. If I branch out to cousins, I have one set of twin cousins (also boys) on my dad's side. I have a cousin who has twins, but they break the trend because they aren't the same gender! Shocking!

My twin cousins, Kirk & Karl, my dad Brent & twin Bruce, my brothers Jason & Jared, and Jared's twins Treven & Tracen.

My Great Grandpa Timothy had twins that died in infancy and they were a boy and girl. Then I have a distant cousin who had twins that also died in infancy. My Grandma Timothy had boy twin cousins.

On my Grandpa Holman's side (my mom's) there were boy twins. On my Grandma Holman's side, there are twin boys, and some identical twin girls, and the list just goes ON AND ON!!!! That's just MY side of the family. Needless to

On David's side of the family, his sister had twin boys, and he has twin uncles. I don't know of more than that, but I'm sure there are many more.

Pretty much we were destined to have twins since my sister didn't end up with them.

Anyway, we're hoping we break the overwhelming constant twin boy trend and have twin girls, or one of each! Keep your fingers crossed for us!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Haha! I love it. I was really not that surprised when I saw your u/s the other day. LOL. I'll hope for g/b or girl twins for you though!