Friday, May 18, 2012

Number 2 just became numbers 2 AND 3!


Can I just say that a MILLION times over?! Yesterday, I went in for my first prenatal appointment at 11 weeks 6 days. I had waited to see a doctor until after we moved since we were hoping to get on insurance before I had to go. Sadly, that didn't happen, so after paying almost $1000 so far for just blood work and one ultrasound (with two babies inside, which apparently costs twice as much ha ha!), I'm glad I won't have to go back in until I've got insurance! AH!

I was sitting at home, and it was many hours before my appointment/ultrasound and I had a weird feeling that I was maybe going to have twins. I text my mom and she thought I was being silly. I started looking up things about when you're pregnant with twins and I couldn't decide if I really was. I mean, yeah my belly is bigger than last time around, but it's not huge, so I just attributed that to it being a 2nd pregnancy.

So we got to the appointment and they took us to ultrasound first. When the ultrasound tech first started the ultrasound, I thought I saw a flash of two babies, then I just was like, no. My eyes are playing tricks on me since I was freaking out about it earlier, and she just focused on one, well then one became two...and then I couldn't stop laughing. I was in TOTAL SHOCK!!! David was in shock, too. I'm glad he was able to be there with me, because I don't know what I would have done if I was alone! I probably would have cried and then called him in a panic! HAH!

So, that was TOTALLY unexpected. I am excited and nervous and still in shock and I can't believe that we will have not one but TWO little babies come November-ish! Each baby is in its own sac, which is what they like to see with twins, so that was good news! However, this doesn't mean they won't be identical. And they said it's extremely hard to tell if they are identical. So, who knows! They're both around the same size, which is also a very good thing!

This pregnancy hasn't been super different than my first, which I think is why I was so shocked to find out about two babies, not one! I think the biggest differences is that 1) I was feeling morning sickness at 5 weeks! With Ellie, I didn't feel sick until about 8 weeks or so (I think) 2) I am constantly battling evil break outs. I did break out with Ellie, but not near as bad! Another difference is how I'm already sleeping horribly. I think I'd do fine if Ellie was sleeping well, but she's getting over being sick, and I'm kind of suspecting that she may have a UTI. We will see what happens for the rest of today before I decide to take her in.

Anyway, we are excited, and it's going to be a crazy adventure!


L.B. said...


Erica said...

So exciting!! Congrats again!!

Araignée said...

We happen to have a brother with two sets of twins, so if you have questions, let us know :^D

Bradley and Mariah Evanson said...

I am so excited for you! This is such fun news. Congratulations!