Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blogging fail

I don't know what it is lately, but I HATE to blog. I don't know if it's that my ADD has taken over and I can't seem to focus my attention to one thought for more than five minutes or if it's just that I live a SUPER boring life.

Probably a nasty little combination of BOTH.

So does anybody have a "quick fix" for this bleh attitude towards blogging? Do I need to give up and write in a real journal every day?

Speaking of journal, I need to catch up on Ellie's baby book! She's doing so many awesome things lately!

Yesterday, I successfully taught her to find her nose and touch it when I say, "Where's your nose?" It is the cutest thing ever. It may take her about a minute and a few pokes in the eye, cheek, ear, and mouth, but she keeps trying and eventually gets to her nose, then gets REALLY happy because she knows she did it! She also learned how to hold her hand up to her ear when we say "hello" as if she's talking on a phone. Super cute as well!

She's getting SO BIG!!! I can't believe how much she isn't a little baby anymore and how much of a little toddler she's becoming! She's such a blessing and a joy in our lives! She makes every trial, hardship, bad feeling, bad day worth it when she smiles and snuggles me!

I am SO very grateful that my loving Heavenly Father would entrust me to take care of and nurture such a sweet little daughter! I am even more thankful that He seems to bless us in so many other ways so I can stay home and teach her the things only I can teach her.

I've been feeling very pitty partyish lately about budgets, staying in them, having them, following counsel from David and having a hard time with being a poor college student family. While I know this phase won't last forever, I am surely looking forward to getting out of it, but at the same time I'm thankful to be experiencing it! I know that the most important things in life can't be bought, and that is manifested to me every time I look into my sweet baby girl's eyes, see her smile or hear her laugh.

I'm so thankful that I have the opportunity to be a mother and to love and nurture one of God's children. It has been and I'm sure will continue to be one of the greatest blessings I will experience in this life. I am also very thankful for the Gospel and the guidance we have within it. It's so reassuring to know that because I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I can read/listen to the words of modern day prophets and receive guidance for my life. I am also very thankful for the concept of Eternal Families and the knowledge that I can be with my sweet family forever! I'm most thankful though, that when the going gets tough and it seems like I just can't take it anymore, I can turn to my Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ and through the atonement of Jesus Christ, I can be at peace with whatever life throws at me!

I guess this was my fast and testimony meeting testimony, since I didn't share my testimony yesterday in Sacrament Meeting!

1 comment:

L.B. said...

Thanks for your beautiful testimony :o) I needed to read that today.

Budgets can be frustrating. This article in last month's Ensign helped me put ours in perspective: http://lds.org/ensign/2011/09/a-little-heaven-on-earth?lang=eng ...especially the line (it seemed like a bigger part of it when I read it, I guess it's just what stuck out at the time) about sacrificing together, "Make sure you sacrifice, share, and grow together." It made it a little easier to put an item back that we really didn't need when we shopped later that week.

And blogging... maybe it would help to set aside a certain day/time to do it each week. We've been struggling lately (I don't have time and Thomas doesn't think about it) but we used to blog basically every Sunday after church.

I read this tonight too and liked the idea: http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2011/10/24-ways-and-reasons-to-keep-a-family-journal.html