Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, David!

On Monday, David turned 26! We had him open a present before he left for school, since it was his birthday (and sadly, we all over-slept so we didn't get to make him a special breakfast because he had to be to school in less than 30 minutes after he woke up!).

The present he got to open was from me and it was Mary Kay High Intensity Cologne. David's been out of cologne for quite some time, and the cologne he had was from a Mary Kay type company in Brazil, and it was like triple the cost to get it shipped to the US, so we had to settle for something that was easily obtained. Luckily, he likes the way it smells (and so do I!)

Later that day, I took Ellie to the doctor because she was just not feeling/acting well. Turns out she has ear infection in BOTH ears! YUCK! While I was at the doctor with Ellie, David text me to say he was coming home because HE was feeling yucky! Not a great day to get sick!!

So we decided to have David open the rest of his presents and he let Ellie tear off the wrapping paper! She LOVED helping him, and it was so cute to watch her get excited about the paper. It's just fun to think how Christmas will go this year!

This present had 2 pairs of jeans from my Parents

Havainnas Flip Flops (Made in Brazil) from Ellie

He also got a card from Grandma Holman, and a card from his parents with a birthday check inside!

David says Thank You to both sets of parents and Grandma for cards and presents!!!

Since David wasn't feeling well, I didn't make the dinner I planned for that night, and I didn't frost his cake (luckily I froze each layer so I didn't have a wasted cake!) and we decided that Wednesday would be a better time to have cake and ice cream.

Well, I kind of made a huge mistake, got distracted, interrupted while frosting his beautiful home-made Red Velvet cake, and long story short--it toppled to the floor!

We rushed to the store to pick out a substitute since we were expecting guests for a little party, and all was well. A handful of our friends made it to have cake and ice cream and it was fun to have people over to sing Happy Birthday to David and just hang out, talk and have fun!

Store bought cake (wasn't even close to as tasty as my Red Velvet cake disaster was!) with my cute little cake banner!
Picture of the cute birthday banner I made David!

Thanks to those who came! We had a ton of fun celebrating David turning the lovely age of 26!

p.s. Someday I'll maybe try to make another cake and frost it myself. We'll see. It's just too bad it was wasted, because it was DANG good!

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