Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ellie 6 months!!

So much has happened in the past 6 months! I cannot believe how much our little baby Ellie has grown!

Just born

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

Five Months Old

Six Months Old

She's such a cute, smart, happy little girl and we love her so so much!

She learned so much between months 5 and 6! She started solids just after she turned 5 months & has done wonderfully with them. She started sitting all by herself about a week after she turned 5 months old and has wanted to crawl ever since.

Because we're in New York, we opted to not have a six month check-up here, but to do in when we get back to Utah in August. However, we did some measuring of our own, and she's currently about 15 lbs, 25 1/2 inches long, and her head is 16 1/4 inches. After plugging the numbers into an online growth chart, this is what it concludes about her:

Length = between percentile 25 and 50
Weight = between percentile 10 and 25
Head Circumference = in percentile 10

She's still on the small side (with a TINY head) but she's a strong little girl! She loves to stand, and can do so if you just hold your hands out for her to grab. She'll pull herself right up!

She's still wearing some 3-6 month clothes, but most of them are getting to be too small. We moved her up to size 3 diapers, and while they seem kinda huge right now, the size 2's were seeming too little to buy another big box of and have her only wear them for a couple weeks.

More about Ellie at 6 months:
  • She likes to play Peek-a-boo & the How big is Ellie game
  • She's started saying (more like whispering) things like "wa wa wa" "ba" & gooing and gahing
  • She loves sweet potatoes, green beans, applesauce, bananas and squash. She'll tolerate peaches, carrots and oatmeal & rice cereal but they aren't her favorite.
  • She's entering that "stranger danger" phase, and has a hard time going to strangers.
  • She sleeps through the night on occasion, but usually wakes up anywhere from 1-3 for a feeding and then goes back to sleep until about 7.
  • She's good at playing with toys and just hanging out when I need to get things done, which is very nice.
  • She finally figured out that she can sleep on her belly when she rolls over in the middle of the night, and doesn't scream when she ends up on her belly anymore.
  • She's not too sure about the Skype people I make her talk to and watch, but she seems to enjoy listening to the voices that come out of the computer.
  • She learned how to put the binky back in her mouth and loves to play with it
  • She's STILL teething, and she's been quite fussy for the past few days. Maybe this means she'll cut a tooth and relax soon?
  • She loves to blow raspberries & spit ALLLL the time, especially if she's getting frustrated!
I can't think of much else to say! We just had a spectacular weekend over her half birthday in DC, and my awesome cousin Melanie took these ADORABLE pictures of Ellie. I mean seriously, is she not the cutest baby you've ever seen??

Our little Ellie is quite the diva, and we LOVE her so much! She's pretty much the best decision we ever made, beside the whole getting married part ;)

p.s. Ellie's got eczema on her neck & chest...anyone know a good way to get rid of it? It showed up a couple weeks after being here in humid NY...


Laura Lee said...

Cute pics! Good old hydrocortisone topical cream should do the trick. It is usually fast working too. Keep a little tee shirt or onesie on her to soak up the moisture. Generic is as good as brand name in this case.

Erica said...

My kids get eczema all the time. I use hydrocortisone cream - prescription kind. And my pediatrician also recommends Aquaphor (you CAKE it on) before bedtime, and then we use Aveeno Soothing Relief CREAM (not the lotion) in the a.m., and Aveeno Soothing Relief Creamy Wash for bathtime. Seriously solves the problem right away. And also, we only bathe every 2 or 3 days. That helps a lot too. I swear by Aquaphor and Aveeno, though!

ps: Aquaphor cures almost every rash problem - diaper rash and the bumpy pacifier rash around babies' mouths, too!

Shari said...

Thanks for the tips! We'll try those and see if we can't get rid of it!