Tuesday, June 28, 2011


OK, so there's lots to say about Nauvoo, but I don't have all the time in the world to say it so forgive me!

When we got into Nauvoo, we headed to the visitor's center to grab some brochures and then went to the Brickyard. It was cool to learn about how they make brick and hear stories about the people building homes and what not.

After that, we decided to make our way to Carthage. We knew we wouldn't have tons of time to see everything, so we made going to Carthage a priority, since it's such a spiritual experience. When we got to the visitor's center, we were the ONLY people there, so we watched the movie, then the Sister Missionaries took us on a tour of the jail. What an amazing experience. It is honestly like no other experience I've had, and I hope that EVERYONE can someday visit Carthage Jail and walk where Joseph, Hyrum, John Taylor and others have walked. It was definitely an experience that strengthened my testimony, and I am so thankful for the opportunity we had to visit Carthage Jail. I will remember the feeling I felt in that room forever!

If you want to learn more about this click here.

After we visited Carthage, we didn't have any time to make it back to Nauvoo before things closed, which was sad but OK since we had such a good experience at Carthage. We headed to Keokuk, Iowa for dinner at Ogo's. ...interesting place...they served whole catfish, fried froglegs and other scary looking things. Pretty much the desserts were the best part and I was glad when dinner was done ha ha. We stayed in Keokuk and had planned to get up and go to church before going to Nauvoo again to see what we missed the day before. Our plan was thwarted when we all woke up at 8:45 and church started at 9. So, we were unable to make it to church and went down to breakfast, packed up and headed back to Nauvoo to see a few more things.

We drove through an insane storm to get back to Nauvoo and we were pretty sad to learn that we probably wouldn't be able to get out and walk the Temple grounds and take pictures since it was SO stormy. We decided to just sit for a while and lo and behold, the storm passed!

Pictures of the Nauvoo Temple during the rain!

Inside the Seventies Hall

Different view of the Nauvoo Temple! It's such an AWESOME Temple!

We set the camera on a timer, and David ran back into the picture JUST in time. :)

David and Ellie on the Nauvoo Temple Grounds

Seriously, if you have the opportunity, visit Nauvoo. It's such a beautiful place with such a great atmosphere! Whether or not your are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you can have an enjoyable time visiting Nauvoo and taking in the beauty that is there.

We loved our short but sweet trip to Nauvoo and I'm so happy we decided to take the extra travel time to visit! So neat!

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