Monday, June 13, 2011

Ellie 5 months

Life has been SO CRAZY with the move to NY and all that I haven't taken much time to write things down that Ellie's been doing! :(

But let's dwell on the positive here, and celebrate Ellie turning 5 months old! She's almost been with us for half a year! That realization is INSANE to me!

On her 5 month birthday (June 1st), we "officially" moved in to our little apartment in NY. We live in Waterford which is very close to Clifton Park which is in the Capital Region of NY. We also went out to dinner that night at a place called Arizona Pizza Company, and it was quite delicious!

Ellie is growing like a weed and learning SO many new things. Between 4 and 5 months, Ellie learned to roll over to her back from her belly and from her back to her belly. Here she is right before she rolled over:

Ellie and I were living at my mom and dad's house almost the entire month of May and Ellie had lots and lots of fun with her cousins, specifically Jas and Tab's little girls, Hailey and Bridgette. They came over nearly every day and Hailey always wanted to help me give Ellie a bath and Bridgette tried to help out as well. It was fun! :D
This is Hailey Bug and Ellie:

Before we left for NY, I wanted the opportunity to go up to the beautiful mountains! This was the closest thing to "camping" Ellie has ever done. It was a lot of fun and we had a blast. We had a tasty picnic and had fun visiting and playing games.

While Ellie and I were living in Roosevelt, her sleep habits deteriorated even more (if that's possible) from what they were when we lived in Provo. I decided to do something about that and bought the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and it is a super great book. However, due to our unique situation of Ellie and I sharing a room and David only being there on the weekends, we didn't have a lot of success getting her to sleep better, yet. But, we DID get Ellie set on was a schedule of when to go to sleep and I had her in bed by 7:45 most nights. It was very nice!

Here are some random Ellie facts at 5 months old:

  • Ellie wears 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers
  • She nurses every 3-4 hours during the day
  • She's working on getting her first tooth (we can see it STARTING to poke up)
  • She generally hates sitting in the bumbo chair, but will tolerate it for short periods of time anyway
  • She LOVES to go outside and loves to ride in the stroller
  • She laughs and laughs when her daddy plays with her (but she seldom laughs for me)
  • She loves the books "Goodnight Moon" & "The Colorful Mouse"
  • She loves to play "Pat-a-cake" and "how big is Ellie"
  • She loves putting her fingers into my mouth and exploring my face
  • She loves bath time and LOVES to splash
  • She enjoys hearing animal sounds, and gets most excited about what a duck says
  • She has a super ticklish neck and belly
  • She goes to bed around 8-8:30 and sleeps until 7 or 7:30 and wakes up about 2 times during the night
I'm sure there's MUCH MUCH more I could write about my little sweet pea and how she's growing up SO fast, but I will leave it at this for now. Every day with her is such a blessing, and I am so happy to be her mommy and to be able to stay home with her and play with her all day and every day!

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