Friday, January 7, 2011

Our baby girl!

Warning: I hope you're ready for one novel of a post...because this is definitely it!

On New Year's Eve, we planned to go to my brother's house for dinner and some festive fun. Before we went, we ended up going to the hospital because I thought I might be leaking amniotic fluid. After talking with admitting, they decided it was best to just get it checked out just in case. After being in the room for quite a while and having the fluid checked and being monitored for a while they decided that it wasn't amniotic fluid and I was free to go. At that point and time, I was having contractions like every 10-15 minutes and they weren't very bad.

After the hospital, we were off to my brother's house. We got there around 7:30 ish and had some delicious salmon and potatoes for dinner. After dinner we decided to play a game of Clue The Office. I was having contractions consistently the whole time we were playing the game and they were anywhere from 7-10 minutes apart. I was hoping things were starting to finally happen, because I REALLY didn't want to go over my due date.

After we finished the game of clue (which I really suck at, btw), we started to watch Star Wars (I really don't remember which one...I'm not really into Star Wars. :P). We weren't super far into the movie when I started to have some pretty strong contractions that were about 3 minutes apart. I started to think that our little one was really going to come and a wave of nervousness/excitement blew over me. I went upstairs to get a drink and could hardly stand through the contractions. David shortly followed me upstairs and I told him that they were starting to get strong and close. We decided that we should at least get to my grandma's house since it was just a few blocks from the hospital. We got to my grandma's at about 11:30-11:45ish and all I cared about was trying to make it through the contractions.

I decided to lie down because it was more comfortable, but soon things were getting hard to handle. At about 1:30ish we decided it was time to go to the hospital since things just seemed to get more and more intense. When we got there, they checked me and disappointment set in when they said I was only a 2 1/2! Are you kidding me?? You're telling me these contractions aren't doing ANYTHING!? I was pretty sad and downright exhausted by that point. After they monitored me for a while they decided I was in early labor and sent me home since I would be much more comfortable there. Since I was still planning on doing things unmedicated, they told me that a lot of people choose to have a shot of morphine and phenergan to help them sleep though the contractions and wake up rested dilated to a 4 or 5. Well seeing as I am not one for needles, I said I didn't want the shot and would just try to sleep through things on my own. We went back to my grandma's and amazingly I was able to get some rest. It was about 3 when we got back to her house and I was able to sleep until 6:30ish without having any pain from contractions.

After I got up, I ate some breakfast and decided to take a shower. The contractions were about 5 minutes apart, and I was pretty sure they were going to stop. To keep busy, David, grandma and I all watched the Rose Parade. I started to get REALLY uncomfortable and I knew that I couldn't handle things anymore. I even told David that I couldn't do it without medication. I didn't want to go to the hospital yet, because I feared they would just send me back home! I didn't want to go through that again, so I decided to just sit and move around until I really couldn't stand it any longer. Around 10:15 a.m., I wasn't able to laugh or joke about things anymore, which was a sign to us that we should get going to the hospital. So, for the 3rd time in less than 24 hours, we headed to the hospital in hopes that this was the real deal, and we'd have a baby soon!

When we got to the hospital it was the same old thing, checking in and going to the claustrophobic little room to get monitored and checked. I was ready to hear that I hadn't made ANY progress so I wouldn't get disappointed, but to my surprise, I had dilated to a 4. They all knew I would be back soon since I had come in early that morning having early labor. After getting an IV line in my wrist and a bit of a wait, they were able to get me a room and officially admit me. That was around 11:07 ish. I was a very very happy camper because the midwife on call was the one I happened to see the most during the pregnancy and I really really like her.

Once we got into our room, I was very relieved because I knew that it couldn't be too much longer until we had our sweet baby girl!

After about 20 more minutes of frequent contractions, my midwife came in and checked me again. She said since I wasn't making a ton of quick progress, she thought it would be best to break my water. That was a weird feeling, but it sure got things going. It made things hurt much worse, but I'm very glad I had them do it!

As things kept going, they kept getting harder and harder and I was struggling more and more with each contraction. Keep in mind our sweet baby girl decided to be posterior, so I was having TONS of back labor! They checked me a little while after that and I had progressed to a 5 (I think? At this point I wasn't really paying much attention to where I was at, rather I just was trying to get through each contraction one at a time.) and things were getting even harder! Who knew!? ;) The midwife had me change positions frequently to help things move along, and it worked really well.

Not long after that, I was starting to have a REALLY hard time with each contraction and I started to think I couldn't do it. David was so sweet and so supportive the entire time and told me I could do it and it's something I had wanted to do badly. When they checked me again, I was at a 6 and I was hurting more than I could even imagine possible!

The midwife had me change positions yet again, and I was having a really hard time with the contractions. She asked me if I wanted some kind of pain medication and I asked her what was available. She said I had 2 choices. I could have Fentanyl through my IV, and that would at least take the edge off things for about an hour, through the hardest part--transitioning, or, I could have an epidural. I couldn't make a decision before the next contraction hit, and I was in tears with the pain! The nurse and midwife left the room because another girl was delivering and they needed the midwife! (Talk about horrible timing!) While they were both gone, I told David I just wanted an epidural because I was done with the pain, but he told me no. I'm glad he did though, because it was worth it in the end! After the nurse came back I told them I wanted the Fentanyl and they said they'd just have to wait on approval to give it to me.

A few more contractions came and went and I knew that things were just going to get harder and harder as time wore on. I don't know what time it was when they finally gave me the drug, but I was sure glad the time had come. It made me kinda loopy at first, but after that initial stage it was great. Things still hurt a lot, but I was able to make it through the transitioning stage. I was sure glad that nobody cared that I was screaming/moaning and using any outlet to get through the contractions! It helped a ton--more than any breathing exercise could have!

It was time to change positions yet again and I was dilated to probably and 8 or so. David really should edit this story because I'm sure he has a better recollection of how things went! A couple contractions later, I was at a 9 and it was getting really really hard not to push! I changed positions again and after one or two more contractions, I had just about dilated to a 10! It was such a relief to hear that! The midwife had to take off for a bit of a break and while she was gone, the nurse had me push through one contraction to get me the rest of the way dilated.

The pushing stage had FINALLY come, and boy I tell was such a relieving thing! Instead of just trying to get through a contraction, I could actually do SOMETHING with it! I loved it and they said most of the people going natural love it because it is a relief to them. A little over halfway into pushing, I was getting tired and began to wonder if it would ever end! Things kept going well, and they said she was just about past my pelvic bone. Before that, I would push and it was kind of like I hadn't done anything because it wasn't getting me anywhere. The midwife had me change positions a little again and she was finally crowning. She asked if I wanted a mirror to watch, and I said, "No, that's gross." haha! She also asked me if I wanted to touch her head and I gave the same answer. hah! I asked them how much longer it would be and both the nurse and midwife said it would probably be around 15-20 minutes more. I looked a the clock and noticed that it was around 3:35 and I just wasn't having the 15-20 minutes more. After that, I had lots more motivation to use as much energy as possible to get this baby here! I totally proved them wrong and after two contractions, she was here!

They put her on my belly and I couldn't even think! I had a baby and it was SOOOO weird! I couldn't believe that she was mine and that I had just given birth to a perfect baby girl! She wasn't crying when they took her from me to weigh her but she did cry when they gave her a shot! She weighed exactly 7lbs and was 19.5 inches long.

Ellie RaNay Grigsby
Born 1/1/11 3:42 p.m.
7lbs 0oz, 19.5 inches long

Very happy & proud daddy.

Her best friend and my enemy--her hand in her mouth! :)

Wide awake with big, beautiful eyes!

Our first family picture.

We sure love our little sweet pea! She's brought an indescribable joy into our lives that makes life so sweet. We already can't imagine life without her!


Katrina said...

Wonderful job with Ellie's birth story Shari!!! That is so wonderful you did it all natural. You don't hear that very often these days! Way to go David in telling a lady in severe pain "NO" and live to tell the tale. lol (Love it!) I would have probably decked Kirk at that point. I also thought it was funny you declined on the mirror, etc...because I did the same thing! ;) Love your sweet family. I can't wait to meet my newest niece, Ellie. She's so beautiful.

Erica said...

Cute!! Congrats again, Shari, she's a doll!

Alayna said...

Thanks so much for sharing Ellie's birth story. David is a brave guy for telling you no on the epidural. Way to go on the natural birth. I'm so happy for you and your little family.

shelofa said...

She's beautiful! I really think lots of newborns look like rats, but yours doesn't. She's actually so gorgeous it's unfair. Your story gave me warm fuzzies.

Jules said...

Drew and I laughed so hard at the "No, that's gross." part--it's so true! And way to go with no epidural, I knew you had it in you :) Congratulations to all of you!