Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2 weeks old!

So I'm FINALLY getting around to writing about Ellie's two week appointment and life with her at two weeks old.

We went to the doctor the day before she turned 2 weeks old and found out that she didn't gain enough weight. Bummer! She was two ounces shy of being back up to birth weight and her doctor didn't like that. So, to get her to gain more weight, we have been feeding her more frequently and I've been pumping a couple times a day to increase my milk supply. Other than that, she's a happy healthy girl! We go back on the 19th to get her weight checked. I'll update after the appointment! Cross your fingers for good news!!

We introduced a bottle this week to see how she would take it and it was a huge success! She had no problems taking it and I'm SO glad--because she'll have to have a bottle when I go back to work in about a month.

She has been a lot more awake and alert this past week, which has been fun. Oh, another noteworthy thing is that her cord fell out last Friday! Thank goodness! It was starting to really gross me out so I'm very glad it's GONE!

We are working on getting her to be more awake during the afternoon/evening so she won't stay awake from 10-2 like she has been doing. It's starting to work slowly, but of course it'll take some time.

Here are some things she's doing more of/likes:
  • She's been making more noises while she's awake and we are starting to see a little bit of her personality come out.
  • She LOVES to have a bath but HATES getting lotion put on her.
  • She enjoys having tummy time and is good and finding her thumb when she's on her tummy!
  • She loves to lay on either one of our chest's and loves to cuddle.
  • She loves to have us talk and sing to her and it calms her down very quickly.
  • She still loves to eat her hands! If she doesn't have her pacifier, it's VERY likely that she's got her hands in her mouth.
She's growing up fast, and we're so happy to have her with us!

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