Friday, January 7, 2011

39 week appointment

To keep my mind off of things, and to try to walk the baby out of me, my mom came out on the 27th to do some after Christmas shopping.

I had my 39 week appointment on December 28th and I was a bit disappointed to find out that I was only dilated to a very tight 2, and still 80% effaced. The baby's head was sitting very low--but STILL posterior! I was measuring smaller than the previous week, so just to make sure everything was OK, the dr. ordered an ultrasound and NST to check how much fluid was around the baby and to make sure she was growing. They said if the AFI (amniotic fluid index) was 10 or less, they would have to induce me because that would mean I had been leaking fluid.

My dr. asked me if I wanted to be induced at all and I told her I didn't really want to. She told me to make an appointment for a week from that day, but she acted like I probably wouldn't make it to the appointment. I made an appointment for January 3rd, and REALLY hoped I wouldn't be making it to that appointment.

My mom and I went to the ultrasound appointment and everything was just fine. They estimated the baby to be 7lbs 10 oz because of how long her legs were, but the ultrasound also showed that her head and stomach were measuring a week small.

The baby had apparently decided to drop lower, so it made me measure small. I was very glad to learn that I didn't need to be induced because I had planned the entire pregnancy to do things medicated and I knew that if I was induced I probably couldn't handle it!

After that, my mom and I just went shopping lots and walked and walked and walked! I'm glad she came out and was able to visit. It was great to have my mind taken off the fact that the baby wasn't coming yet!

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