Tuesday, November 9, 2010

32 weeks down, 8 to go!

Can you believe that I only have a little over 50 days until my due date!? I sure can't!

The time is passing so quickly these days and I'm starting to get really excited/anxious about our little arrival!

I had my 32 week check-up today and everything is going well. I measured right on and I have gained 21 lbs. since the beginning of my pregnancy. The baby is head down and her heart beat was around 130. We went over the results of the glucose test I did last time and I was at 100, and they want you to be under 140 so I've got nothing to worry about in that department.

We also went over the signs of preterm labor (hopefully something that doesn't happen!!) and talked a little big about what I'm planning on for delivery.

I scheduled my next appointment for 2 weeks from now! How crazy is it that I'm going every two weeks now?? Seriously I am starting to freak out that it is so close!

In other news, we received our travel system in the mail, and I've got it all put together. We decided to go with the Chicco KeyFit 30, which I think will turn out to be a good choice. Not much else is going on these days other than the fact that we just moved and my apartment is still full of boxes and needs to be organized! I have been working bit by bit to get things in their proper places but it is not usually what I look forward to after a long day of working. I suppose I'll have everything done by the end of the week (I hope!).

Oh, one last thing...David has been applying for internships like crazy, and he applied to one this morning that is in Albany, NY! How crazy would that be to live in NY? I hope he gets it because it would be a great opportunity, but at the same time I want him to get an internship that's a bit closer to home. Only time will tell! Keep your fingers crossed!

The next time I get around to taking a picture of my not so little belly, I'll be sure to post it!

Until next time!!

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