Monday, November 15, 2010


So, this is super late, and I totally realize that, but life has been CRAZY lately.

As you know we moved at the end of October. Well, the day before we moved, I took a sick day, because I had a horrible cold. I was able to pack up a ton of our stuff and rest so I would be ready for moving day.

I also had this crazy idea that I should bake cupcakes for my work party--because I really wanted to win the "cutest treat" contest.

I was up baking until midnight, and I woke up to frost the cupcakes super early the next day (moving day). I also had to dress up for work, because I had the cutest costume idea that didn't work out as planned, but worked out in the end.

Here is a picture of me from work on the Friday before Halloween:

I was a salt shaker :) and very very tired...and I wasn't wearing my flip flops in the picture...I promise I keep my shoes on at work whenever I'm away from my desk.

Had I not been moving and had I had the proper resources, I would have made a costume for David, and he would have been the pepper!

It all worked out in the end though and all my hard work payed off. I did indeed win the cutest treat contest for these little cupcakes:

They've got ghosts on top of them, if you can't figure that out.

I also won the most creative costume contest, which was an added bonus.

All-in-all, Halloween was good, but next year we'll probably really do something for Halloween, instead of move!

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