Sunday, April 15, 2012


I feel like blogging has been the absolute LAST item on my list of things to do lately, because frankly, life has been crazy around here. With David finishing up projects, presentations, papers, tests and homework assignments, I haven't really wanted to blog and record what's going on these days.

It's official, though! We are moving to Tennessee on April 24th! We're excited, nervous, uneasy and even a bit scared! I'm mostly just scared, though! I don't know what to expect. I don't know how the neighborhoods will be, how grocery stores will be, how church will be, how ANYTHING will be, and I HATE that! It is a bit like when we moved to Albany, NY last summer because we're going to a place I've never been with a million things unknown, except this time, we're staying there for who knows how long!?

I'm not really ready to cut ties with life here in Provo, even though it hasn't been my favorite. I am, however, very excited for a new adventure in Tennessee. It's honestly the last place I thought we'd end up. Hopefully things with the move go well, and we find a place to live quickly! Right now I am just full of butterflies because of so many unknown things!

I'll try to have better updates once we're settled and have some things figured out! But for now, this is all I'm going to write!

Farewell and wish us luck!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Very exciting! I have some friends who lived in Tennessee for a while and they loved it. The Church outside of Utah is what you make of it - if you want to find friends and do your part, you will! Just keep up the great attitude and you'll have a wonderful time!! I think it'll be great for you guys!! Good luck with the move!!