Friday, September 30, 2011

Out as long as In!

9 months old? My little sweet pea is 9 MONTHS OLD?? Seriously, where has the time gone?

I can't believe it but it's true, so we'll just move on to fun and exciting things about Ellie and how much she's grown in the last 9 months!

We aren't having a 9 month well child check, since we went so close to 8 months to catch her up on immunizations. So, I measured her myself last week and she weighs 18 lbs, she's 27 1/2 inches tall and her head circumference is 17 1/4 inches.

According to the app that I plugged her measurements into, she's in the 50th percentile for all of her measurements. So, she's still on the small side, but I'm OK with that. She's such a little joy to be around and is happy about 95% of the time!

On an average day, Ellie and I sing and dance to primary songs, play with her toys & anything she decides to make a "toy" (pens, xbox control, empty no. 10 cannery can, her comb & brush, and her shoes). We eat breakfast and lunch together (and Ellie usually makes a HUGE mess because baby food is evil and only finger foods will do for her!) and boy oh boy can this little girl eat. She LOVES food. Mostly, she loves anything I'm eating and gets very upset if I don't share with her. Her favorite foods right now are peas, pears, toast, shredded cheese, sweet potatoes, yogurt, strawberries, bananas and blueberries.

She's got SO much personality and make hilarious faces almost all the time. She likes to copy whatever we do and say and likes to say "uh-oh" when I drop something or she throws something off her highchair tray.

She's standing every now and then for about 5-10 seconds at a time, but has only taken 2 mini-steps (2 separate times). I'll give her another week or so before she's finally getting the courage to take a few more steps, then take off! (p.s. I'm not ready for that to happen, but I know it's inevitable!!)

Here are some more things about Ellie:

  • She loves it when we crawl towards her and play with her
  • She loves to dance to any music
  • She loves the Backyardigan's theme song
  • She's wearing size 3 diapers, size 3 shoes and is in 6-9 month clothes and some 12 month clothes
  • She sleeps from about 8 to 7:30 without waking up!
  • She likes to carry anything around in her mouth like a puppy and crawl all over
  • She is pulling herself up on anything and loves to walk along things
  • She loves to play with books and turn the pages
  • She loves to listen to me or David read to her
  • She likes to listen to anybody sing
  • She likes to find my flip flops and chew on them (YUCK!! I am always in awe at how she finds where I hide them so quickly!!)
  • She hates being wiped off after making a mess while eating, but LOVES bathtime!
  • She is still super friendly and loves to meet new people
  • She likes all other kids and thinks little kids are hilarious
I am so thankful for her to be a part of our lives and for the joy she brings to us every day! We love her more than anything else and it's been so much fun to see her learn and grow!

photos taken at FotoFly. Best. Place. Ever!


L.B. said...

where did she get those sweet curls!?

Shari said...

From David! You'd never know, but he does have quite the curl to his hair!

L.B. said...

sneaky... ;o)