Thursday, September 8, 2011

8 months

Ellie turned 8 months old a week ago, and she is getting to be such a big girl! Since we were in NY when she turned 6 months old, we had her 6 month appointment when we got back, & she's super healthy & growing well! Her head has finally decided to grow & catch up to the rest of her body. ha ha!

She weighed 17 lbs 9 oz and was in the 46th percentile for weight, she's 26 1/2 inches tall (I think?? I misplaced the paper with her measurements on them!) & is 64th for height and her head is in the 42nd percentile!

She had to get 3 shots when we went in, and she was NOT happy about them! She cried a lot, but calmed down not too long after. Because she's such a healthy little girl and because she was almost 8 months when we went in, the doctor doesn't need to see us back until she's 1! That's some good news for us :)

Ellie's really funny lately & her little personality is shining through more and more each day. She's starting to stand on her own for small periods of time (AHH ALREADY!?!?!?) and I'm sure she'll be walking before we know it! She eats pretty well during the day, but sometimes is just too distracted for nursing & I've contemplated quitting, but then I just don't want to give up quite yet.

Here are more things about Ellie at 8 months old:

  • She loves to eat finger foods & thinks it's lots of fun to drink from our Camelbak water bottles.
  • She loves her oatmeal in the morning & pretty much all baby food we still give her. She's eating more table food now though & she likes it a lot.
  • She's wearing size 3 diapers & some 3-6 month & 6-9 month clothes. There are only a few outfits in the 3-6 month range that still fit her so we're just about ready to put them away.
  • She is starting to walk along the furniture & she can get around pretty fast.
  • She knows how to say dada & is just learning how to say "uh oh" but it usually comes out as "uh uh".
  • She gets super excited about her 3 little duck bath toys & takes them with her all over.
  • She likes to dance to music & likes to watch Fantasia.
  • Outside is her favorite place to be.
  • She LOVES animals. She was obsessed with my sister in law's little dog, Annie & chased it all over while we were visiting my parents last weekend.
  • She doesn't have any teeth yet, and it doesn't seem like she's going to have any in the near future.
  • She takes 2-3 naps during the day & goes to bed around 8 & wakes up at 7 a.m.
  • She's still waking up 1-2 times a night, but we're working on that one...
  • She loves to crawl into the bathroom and stand next to the bathtub & hit her hands on the sides of it to make noise.
  • When she gets tired, she gets super silly & likes to ram her head into your chest & cuddle.
  • She loves to play with other little kids & thinks they're hilarious.
  • She likes to pretend she's a big girl & would rather sit in a booster seat than a high chair to eat!
  • She loves to sit and listen to us read books with her & sing to her.
She's growing up so fast & I can't believe that she'll be one in just 4 months! Ah! That's crazy! We love her to death & she makes life fun and interesting every day!

1 comment:

L.B. said...

that last picture is so stinkin' cute!