Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3 months old!

Ellie turned 3 months old on April Fool's day, but it was no joke! It's crazy how quickly she's growing up and how much she changes day-to-day. I wish she could be little forever, but I know she'll just get more fun as time goes on. She's starting to do more and more fun things, and I love to see her grow and progress!!

Here are some notable things about Ellie at 3 months:
  • She loves to eat her hands still, and sometimes she'll even try to suck on her binky AND her fingers. It's pretty hilarious to watch.
  • She's gotten to the point where she actually likes tummy time and can really lift her head and upper body.
  • She still really loves bath time and is learning that if she kicks her legs, water goes all over.
  • She LOVES to talk to us and it's almost like she's having a conversation with us.
  • She doesn't like the sound of the vacuum. It scares her and makes her cry a lot.
  • She is getting to the point where she likes to sit in the swing, but it's still not her favorite.
  • She doesn't like to be left in a room alone for more than 5 seconds, and she'll let you know it, too!
  • She is still wearing 0-3 clothes and size 1-2 diapers.
  • She weighs about 12 lbs 2 oz and is 23 ish inches long.
  • She laughed for the first time on April 1st right before I left for work, and it gave me something happy to think about as I had to leave her with her sitter for the afternoon.
  • She rolled over for the first time while we were getting her 3 month pictures taken, and she was VERY confused as to what had happened.
  • She is SUCH a mommy's girl, and is always SO happy when I get home from work, and almost always demands that I nurse her the second I get home, regardless of when she ate last.
  • She still loves to snuggle and falls asleep easily in our arms when she's tired.
  • She doesn't like to lie down on anyone's lap, and if she has a hold of your hands, she tries to pull herself into a sitting position. She also REALLY likes to stand and bounce.
  • When she's fussy in the car, all I have to do is start singing, and she'll instantly calm down and sleep.
I am sad to report that the lovely nights are gone, and we're back to the early days when Ellie didn't sleep through the night. She was being such a perfect little girl until just after the 3 month mark. She decided that she doesn't want to sleep through the night anymore, and that made me very very sad. Instead, she thinks that waking up every 2-3 hours during the night is much better, and fun! I kind of HATE how she's such a happy little girl at 3 a.m. and wants nothing more but to smile and coo at me. But at the same time, it's so hard to be mad that you're awake when you get to witness such sweetness from her. I guess I should have known that she wouldn't sleep through the night forever! I am thankful, however that she let me sleep all night for so long!

Ellie's such a cutie pie and we love to have her around! Funny thing about Ellie as of late...she has taken to mimicking us pretty well, and it is pretty awesome. About 3 weeks ago I started making faces at her including making noise while poking my tongue in and out of my mouth, well about 1 week ago, she discovered her tongue! She LOVES to stick her tongue out and thinks it's the funniest thing!

Exhibit A:
While getting her 3 month pictures taken, she stuck her little tongue out, and they caught it before she stuck it back in. I think it's the cutest thing ever, and she makes me laugh so much with the faces she pulls!

I'm so thankful to have this little sweet pea in my life and I love her SO so much! I honestly don't know what I'd do without her! She's the best and David and I can't imagine not having her in our lives.

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