Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life lately...

Not much has changed lately around these parts, other than Ellie growing up, of course!

She's becoming quite the cutie! Well, she was already super cute, she's just getting even MORE super cute!

She's started to smile and we can make her happy by talking to her in silly voices, tapping her nose with her binky, or touching her cheeks.

She's the best thing that's ever happened to us, and she's just SO MUCH FUN!

Sadly, my fun with her is being cut back by about 30 hours/week. I'm returning to work tomorrow, and I am just not looking forward to it at all. I don't want to go back. It's not that I really really hated my job before (ok, maybe I DID really really hate my job), but the part that gets me is leaving little Ellie with someone while I have to work. I hate it. Thankfully, we found a great babysitter and we really like her, so that will make it a tiny bit easier.

I have to stop thinking about it, or else I'll just get more depressed that it's going to happen no matter how hard I try to make it not happen.

In other news, I think I found a few GREAT places for us to live in NY!! Hallelujah! I have tried for a very long time to find something that allows us to have a short-term lease, and I just couldn't. After going back through the apartment guide booklet for the Albany area, I stumbled across a complex that I had put an "X" through, signifying that it was too expensive.

After thinking about it more, and looking at the bullet points on this particular ad, I saw that it said, "Short-term furnished apartments available". So, I shot an email to the manager and found out that it will probably be a perfect fit! Hoorah! I'm still waiting to hear back about the availability of the units and we'll be in business!

I really have no more to say at the moment. It's past my bed-time and I need all the sleep I can get to deal with my bound to be rough day tomorrow.

I almost wish I wouldn't have tried to blog tonight because it's so random and bleh. Sorry for the disappointment!

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