Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baby Grigs updates

Where does the time keep going?? I swear it was only yesterday when I was all fidgety and anxious to find out if we were having a little boy or girl, and now I've only got 104 days left to go!

I'm at 25 weeks, 1 day today and things are going pretty well. I have an appointment on Tuesday to check up on things and I actually have a list of questions this time! Go me! I hate how every time I'm at the Dr. I can never think of questions to ask, but this time I am bringing a list of questions I have so I can remember what to ask.

Notable things about the past four-five weeks of pregnancy include:

  • my belly button is starting to poke out on the top! AH! It's crazy!
  • I'm finally looking somewhat pregnant, instead of just chubby.
  • I've been exercising more which helps me feel loads better @ work while I sit at a desk for 8 hours (yuck!)
  • My back is hurting more and more every day.
  • Baby Grigs is almost always awake and kicking/rolling/punching/dancing/moving like crazy around 1-1:30 p.m., 3 p.m., 7:30 p.m., and bedtime.
  • I feel incredible love for this little bundle of joy more and more each day, and I can't wait to meet her!
I'm starting to become more and more uncomfortable every day. It's very rare that I sleep through the night because I tend to get pretty uncomfortable in the middle of the night. And to think...I still have 14 weeks and 6 days before I'm due! I don't want to imagine the discomfort I'll be in during the coming weeks! It's all totally worth it (or so they say) because once she's here, I am sure I'll forgive her of any and all discomfort she's put me through.

According to,
"Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
That oh-so-handy sense of equilibrium is kicking in, and baby's learning to distinguish right side up from upside down."

I can't believe this pregnancy is going by so quickly and it won't be too long until we get to meet her! Every day, I get more excited and more nervous thinking about her arrival. I am also super paranoid. It's ridiculous how paranoid I get about silly little things, but hey, I just want to do everything right so I don't screw something up, okay?

Anyway, I'd love to keep writing, but I'm very uncomfortable sitting in this chair.

Take a look @ a picture of the bump created by Baby Grigs.

This was at around 24 weeks.

until next time...

First anniversary

On September 4th, we celebrated our first anniversary. Can you believe it?? Where did the time go??? For our anniversary, we had crepes for breakfast, then decided to exchange gifts. Because the traditional gift for the 1st year is paper, I made David a picture book of our first year together, and got him a gift card to He sent me on a scavenger hunt which was somewhat frustrating--because I don't like when I can't figure things out--and at the end of the hunt, there was a beautiful 160 GB iPod Classic just for me! Do I have a great hubby or what? ;) David also gave me roses, and they were very beautiful. We mustn't forget how we ate the top layer of our wedding cake! It was still pretty good considering it's been in a freezer for a year! Good job, Tabitha! I looooved our wedding cake!

Top layer of our wedding cake! Yum!

Roses from David.

After the gift giving, we got ready to go to the Draper Temple. I love that Temple (and all the others, too) SO much! The Draper Temple is so beautiful inside and I loved being there again. It brought back tons and tons of memories of our wedding day, and it was probably my favorite part of the day.

When there's nobody to take a picture for you, this is the kind of picture you end up with. :)

After we went to the Temple, we headed up to downtown SLC for dinner @ The Roof (Tenth floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building). The food was delicious, the atmosphere was perfect and we had an awesome view of the Salt Lake Temple from our table.

View of the Salt Lake Temple from our table.

Overall, our anniversary was GREAT! We kinda celebrated in two parts, because the Inn we wanted to go to that weekend was booked solid. This past weekend, we went up to the Inn at Snow Meadows at@ Bear Lake. We saw Bear Lake, played in the water a bit, and had an enjoyable time @ the Inn. Saturday morning, we had seriously the BEST breakfast I have ever had in my life. Super loaded omelets, Belgian waffles, hash browns, you name it, we had it! After breakfast, we got a raspberry shake (of course!) and headed to Logan. We walked around campus and drove around the town until we decided to leave.

Check out the pictures from Bear Lake:

We stayed in the "Fishing Room" and this was our super cozy bed.

I think this bathroom was bigger than our bedroom here in Provo! I was so nice!

There was a cozy little couch in our room as well.

Our Saturday of play ended with a trip to Ikea to find a great lamp for our bedroom, bumming at home and watching Date Night.

I think our fist anniversary was a hit all around--even if we celebrated two weekends. I'm so happy I met David way back when, and that we ended up together. I love him with all my heart and he's the best thing that's ever happened to me! Here's to many more anniversaries to come!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Trip to Tennesee

Well, I'm FINALLY writing about our fun trip to TN even though it's been 3 weeks since we went!

We left bright and early Wednesday, August 18th. We were on a nice big plane, so it was a good ride...but the plane from Minneapolis to Nashville was awful. It was a small little plane and I really didn't enjoy it too much. Too much turbulence for me!

Once we landed in Nashville, it was pouring down rain. We went and picked up our rental car and had a fun time with a snotty enterprise agent that wanted to make up charges to the heck of it. We decided to deal with the extra charges at the end of our trip instead of wasting time at the beginning. That first step outside the airport was a shock to me! Holy cow! Where did all the oxygen go?? This was my first experience with humidity, and let me tell you, it's NOT my favorite! I honestly felt like I couldn't take a deep breath at all. It was so strange! It got much better once we were settled in our little Nissa Versa and had the A/C going.

We wanted to take a look around Nashville before taking the 2 hour drive to David's parent's house in Jamestown, so our first stop was of course Opry Mills! Well, if you recall, there was a flood in Nashville that wiped out TONS and TONS of historic sites, businesses AND Opry Mills. It was still closed for clean-up. This is the closest we got to seeing anything

That's right...the Wax museum...closed! So we took a picture of us in front of the sign and pictures of some stars hand and foot prints. This is Phil Vassar's.

Picture in front of the closed sign.

Since everything was pretty much closed for clean-up, we decided to take a trip to the Nashville Temple, just to see the outsides, since it is open only during certain times of the day. If we would have planned things a little better, we would have been able to do a session there, but it was still good to see the grounds and take a picture anyway!

After we saw the Temple, we made our way to Jamestown. Once we got there, we said our hellos and went to dinner at a place called the Garden Grill. They were nearly out of everything, but that's ok, it was a good experience anyway. :)

The next day, we decided to go down the East Fork river by canoe. We packed everything up, made lunches for the float, and headed to a spot where we could put in our canoes. Here's a couple pictures of us before we went down the river.

We got all the stuff down to where we were putting the canoes in, and off we went. David's mom drove the truck back to their house while we ran the river so we could have someone to pick us up.

The beginning of the river run was nice. We were floating leisurely in our canoe, and Dr. dad had his own canoe. Little did we know that would not be the case for much longer. Dr. dad paddled ahead of us just to make sure things would be okay because there was a tree in the middle of the river that we had to go around. Well he was telling us how we needed to go through it and instead should have begun paddling to get himself through it... he got sucked into the current and his canoe started taking in water. We hurried and paddled to shore so David could go help him. We watched as the current and tree combo wreaked havoc on Dr. dad's canoe. It sucked it under the tree and was stuck forever. Luckily, Dr. dad was able to get out in time, otherwise he could have snapped his leg from the weight and pressure of the canoe.

Sadly, everything was in Dr. dad's canoe. The food, water, our camera, Dr. dad's phone, the towels...everything. There was only really one option, since the water was flowing so fast, and that was to all jump in our canoe and keep going down the river.

We hit a few medium rapids after that, but nothing major. We did however, have to duck under a tree that was across the river. That was kinda fun. ;) Once we made it to the take out spot, we all got out and headed up a path to hang out since we had a couple hours to kill before David's mom would be coming to pick us up! The reason we had so much time was because we didn't anticipate the trip to go so quickly! We had floated down the river much faster than we expected because the water was high and fast.

Luckily, there was a meter reader (?) guy at the top of this little path who had a cell phone!! However, there was no service where we were. David, being the hero, ran up the road to try to call his mom and ended up going to some drunken man's house to use his phone. David got a hold of his mom and she was on her way to pick us up.

After she came, we jumped in the truck and headed back to Jamestown to clean up. David and I went to Pizza Hut for lunch, since we were starving. It was a good choice. After that we went back to Jamestown to clean up and rest a little. We went out to dinner that night with D's parents then headed to Oneida, where he grew up. We stayed in the Oneida guest house. The next day we drove around Oneida so I could see where David grew up.

After that, we headed to Knoxville to pick up Alayna & Isaac for our camping trip with Diane, Aaron & family. After we picked her up, we headed to Panther Creek State Park, where we found our campsite all ready for us. We got settled in then just chillaxed and waited for Diane and Aaron to get there.

The first night, we decided to keep the fly off the tent so we could have some air flow and it wouldn't be so muggy. Well, in the middle of the night, we woke up to rain on our faces! We got the fly on and went back to sleep. Mind you, we were sharing a twin mattress. Not my favorite thing. We woke up, ate breakfast and got ready to play and go to the lake. Well, it started REALLY pouring, so we headed down to the pavilion with games and played games until the rain let up. When it finally let up, we grabbed lunch and headed down to the lake. Almost everyone played a made up game of Canoe Soccer while I just kinda basked in the sun and swam around the lake. The water was almost too warm for me. It was like taking a bath! So insane! It was the warmest lake I've ever been in and MUCH different than lakes in UT.

After playing in the lake, we cleaned up (thank goodness for showers @ the campsite!) and I discovered that I had a major sunburn. Because the state park was basically right outside of town, we ran to WalMart to get some Aloe and a few other things we needed for dinner.

When we got back we had dinner, visited with family, sang songs and told stories around the campfire. After it got pretty late, we all headed off to bed. I was hoping for a better night's sleep than the previous night but I was dead wrong. I thought I had experienced a huge thunderstorm the night before, but I was wrong about that too! It rained even harder and longer than the night before, and I honestly didn't sleep more than a couple hours through it! Here's a group picture we got @ our little camp out.

Sunday morning, we packed up quickly, gassed up, and went out separate ways. We headed back to Knoxville, Diane & Arron & Fam headed back to NC, and Dr. dad & David's mom headed back to Jamestown. It was a good camping trip, but I'm almost positive I'm never going to go camping while I'm pregnant again. It was miserable. I didn't sleep, I was uncomfortable and it just wasn't my cup of tea. ha ha.

We had originally planned to go to church in Jamestown, but we knew we weren't going to make it in time, so after we dropped Alayna and Isaac off, we headed to a gas station to clean up and get dressed for church. We found the LDS chapel and went to Sacrament Meeting. David was able to see some people he knew from his earlier years, so that was good. After that, we headed to Jamestown, and went straight to church to catch Sunday School & Relief Society/Priesthood meetings. We met up with David's parents there, and then stuck around for their ward's after church lunch. It was pretty good.

After that, we headed back to David's parent's house so Dr. dad and David could complete a mission: operation rescue canoe. They had borrowed a chainsaw and took one canoe down the river. They cut the tree up and rescued the red canoe from the tree which held it captive, and I don't know all the details, because I wasn't there! (thank goodness!!)

After they returned, we just visited with David's parents and packed up, since we were leaving the next morning. I slept very very well that night, since we weren't sharing a twin bed in a wet and soggy tent.

The next morning, we packed up and headed out. We grabbed lunch at subway in a town I don't remember what it's called, and then made our way to Nashville. We had originally planned to see more of Nashville, but decided to just go to the airport in case lines were long. We talked to enterprise and guess what!? Stupid guy from the day we got there wasn't there, and we were charged almost $100 less than the stupid guy told us we were going to be charged (thank goodness!) The rest of the trip is like you can imagine...riding on a small plane, miserable, barely making our plane in Cincinnati, and finally getting back to normal, breathable air in UT.

It was a good trip and I'm glad we were able to go.