Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baby Grigs updates

Where does the time keep going?? I swear it was only yesterday when I was all fidgety and anxious to find out if we were having a little boy or girl, and now I've only got 104 days left to go!

I'm at 25 weeks, 1 day today and things are going pretty well. I have an appointment on Tuesday to check up on things and I actually have a list of questions this time! Go me! I hate how every time I'm at the Dr. I can never think of questions to ask, but this time I am bringing a list of questions I have so I can remember what to ask.

Notable things about the past four-five weeks of pregnancy include:

  • my belly button is starting to poke out on the top! AH! It's crazy!
  • I'm finally looking somewhat pregnant, instead of just chubby.
  • I've been exercising more which helps me feel loads better @ work while I sit at a desk for 8 hours (yuck!)
  • My back is hurting more and more every day.
  • Baby Grigs is almost always awake and kicking/rolling/punching/dancing/moving like crazy around 1-1:30 p.m., 3 p.m., 7:30 p.m., and bedtime.
  • I feel incredible love for this little bundle of joy more and more each day, and I can't wait to meet her!
I'm starting to become more and more uncomfortable every day. It's very rare that I sleep through the night because I tend to get pretty uncomfortable in the middle of the night. And to think...I still have 14 weeks and 6 days before I'm due! I don't want to imagine the discomfort I'll be in during the coming weeks! It's all totally worth it (or so they say) because once she's here, I am sure I'll forgive her of any and all discomfort she's put me through.

According to,
"Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
That oh-so-handy sense of equilibrium is kicking in, and baby's learning to distinguish right side up from upside down."

I can't believe this pregnancy is going by so quickly and it won't be too long until we get to meet her! Every day, I get more excited and more nervous thinking about her arrival. I am also super paranoid. It's ridiculous how paranoid I get about silly little things, but hey, I just want to do everything right so I don't screw something up, okay?

Anyway, I'd love to keep writing, but I'm very uncomfortable sitting in this chair.

Take a look @ a picture of the bump created by Baby Grigs.

This was at around 24 weeks.

until next time...

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