Monday, June 1, 2009

Life is funny...

Life is funny.

When you want to give up, it throws things at you faster than you can ever imagine, and sometimes you wonder what you did to deserve something so wonderful!

That's how I feel right now. You see, if you read the previous post about the song I wrote, the man mentioned in it, is a wonderful guy! He could be described as amazing, stupendous, the best ever, and the list just goes on...and somehow, I managed to win his heart! I feel like one lucky girl right now!

This past weekend was probably one of the most fun weekends I have EVER had. Period. End. David Grigsby (that's his name...) came to Roosevelt to visit on Friday. He got here about the same time I got back from my internship, which was perfect timing. I've learned...timing is EVERYTHING! We went up to Neola, since David had never been there, and played on the playground at the Elementary school. This was a blast! Then, we went to the Drive In. We had a blast there too. :) Saturday was a blast as well, because I took one of my nieces to the Rec center and met up with David and his two nephews. We played in the pool, and it was lots of fun. Then my family wanted to have a game night, so we played progressive rummy--the family favorite game! Then of course Sunday was full of church and talking. There was a lot A LOT of talking this weekend. And, I love that! It just made things even better.

Anyway, I think I couldn't be happier right now...okay...that was a lie! If Miss Utah stress was over, I could be happier! But, I am SO stoked for Miss Utah! I'm going to do my very best, and I'm excited for the opportunity! It's so soon! I feel like I've been working for a long long time to prepare, so hopefully it all pays off! No matter the outcome, I know I'm going to do my very best, and that's all I can do! Whatever happens will happen, and I'll know it was right!

Oh yeah, the greatest quote I've ever heard in my life came from sacrament meeting yesterday. Are you ready for this?

"We even pray for world peace, and we're not even beauty pageant people."
--Sister Pittman

My whole family was cracking up. I loved it so SO so SO much. hmmm...

Well, to complete this post, I should add pictures, naturally, right? Enjoy!

my name


Emily said...

Yay! :) Love you a million red sweedish fish.

Scott and Lindsay said...

Woot! He is cute! You are looking great too- did you lose weight? Because you are looking super tiny!!! You are going to kick some Miss Utah butt!