Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My recent surgery adventure. Everyone should do it, at least once!

While sitting here in my close to frigid house (the thermostat has decided to give up the ghost, so the house is a mere 65 degrees due to the heat not being able to be running!!! Factor in the 12 degree outside temperature, and you'll understand why I call it frigid!), I decided I should finally update my blog!

To start off, let's take a ride in the life of Shari and her knees for the past while and more specifically, the past 10 days!

Somewhere down the line of my existence, my knees decided to give up on me and turn ugly. It's true! I have no recollection of when it really happened, but I do know that it happened. If you are confused, just sit back and enjoy the ride I am about to take you on.

Earlier this year, as in late February, I started experiencing knee pain. I had always had slight knee pain brought on by various activities such as dancing, running, excessive Indian-style sitting, and anything else you can imagine that has to do with bending your knees very repetitiously. Well, I decided that during Spring Break, I would finally get all the blood tests my mom had always wanted me to get and they were all good except one--Rheumatoid Arthritis! After going through a scare of having RA, which fyi I don't have...we tried to figure out what was wrong with those wretched knees of mine! I might also add that along with the pain in my knees, I had the most terrible grinding sensation in both of them. I can't even explain it. It wasn't just your normal popping of joints, mind you, it was a full-out grind that caused even the doctors to twist their faces into utter disgust.

What was there to do about this problem?

The Rhuematologist decided that it was a problem caused by my quad muscles being out of balance with the other muscles in my thighs and it could be fixed with some simple physical therapy. Two months of physical therapy later--the problem had not only refused to get better, it had worsened with almost double the pain as before. The physical therapist decided that he could do no more for me, so he sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. This is where things really got serious. My mother was bound and determined that I would not be having knee surgery because it would ruin my knees for pageants (mind you I have yet to compete in Miss Utah) and give me ugly scars! Despite this, we went to Dr. Cooley in Park City, and within 30 minutes, he knew exactly what my condition was and how to treat it (i.e. surgery to lengthen my ligaments which were apparently too tight and clean out the cartilage and bone to abolish the grinding). We scheduled surgery for December 19th, and told him goodbye for about 6 months.

As we all know, December 19th has come and gone and here I sit with 6 little incisions, swollen knees, sore ligaments, and walking abilities close to that of a newly walking infant!

Life has been very different since surgery. First came the excruciating pain when the percocet wore off and I awoke 3 hours after a scheduled dose. That was a joyful experience. Then came the nausea. OH the nausea. I never knew a little white pill could cause such a churn in one's stomach. Now that I know, I will steer clear of percocet for as long as I possibly can! Next came the adventure of being comfortable. Tell me, how does one become comfortable when your legs are in braces from the ankles to the top of the thighs? I just don't get it. The answer--one is never comfortable with braces on the legs from the ankles to the thighs! Here's the favorite adventure. Although one may be stuck with legs straight and nauseated to the top of the nauseated chart, one still has to worry about mother nature and her wonderful duties. I don't share this to be gross or racy or anything else it could be taken as. Just tell me, please, how one is supposed to relive themselves while having BOTH legs stuck straight? I'll tell you what, it's not an easy task, and thank goodness I only had 5 days of it!!!!

Finally, after living on chicken noodle soup and applesauce, I got to visit Dr. Cooley once more. The day finally came to get the oh so convenient braces off for good! I took my last walk with the braces to the car. Hobbling into the seat using every bit of strength my arms had to offer. I went to TOSH to get it all fixed. They took the staples out, covered the incisions with tape, and what was the next adventure to endure?

None other than thigh high compression socks! This has been my current adventure, and it's an adventure indeed. They look like little girl's white tights, and they feel like control top pantyhose starting from my feet all the way up. They are supposed to help with the swelling and blood circulation. They're lots of fun!

The same day that I got my staples out and braces off, I walked for the first time. At a snail's pace, I ventured across the lobby of TOSH to the physical therapy department, where I spent an hour getting told to pull this knee tighter and to go until it hurt. Little did I know that unless your face says it hurts, it doesn't hurt. Beware all future physical therapy goers. They do a number to you! My instructions for the next little while included walking only for 10-15 minutes at a time and completing 4 different exercises a day. I was also summoned to grasp the idea of patella tilts. This was utterly disgusting! Who wants to grab their knee cap and tilt it in ways knee caps just don't naturally tilt. EVER! I also had specific instructions to elevate my feet on the wall while icing for 15 minutes 3 times daily.

What fun it has been. It really keeps you busy. You think you can just rest after a surgery, oh no. Think again! It's all for the best though. I have to say 10 days of sweats has killed. Killed my pride and my promise to myself (the promise being, of course, that I would never leave the house in sweat pants). I can't wait for the swelling to go down! I want to wear jeans! JEANS are calling my name! I can get them on, don't get me wrong. It's just that they have this way of rubbing against my incisions in the most unkind manner. It really is unfair. They don't tell you that when you sign up for these things. Or perhaps they do? *gasp* I bet it was in the fine print!!! It probably said something like this. **Beware subject being operated on will not be able to wear his/her favorite jeans due to swelling and tenderness of incisions for at least two weeks. Please, mentally prepare for that moment.**

For now, I'm here, recovering, doing physical therapy, sitting around being a couch potato, and still sitting in my frigid house (the heating guy...i.e. my father, has not fixed the thermostat yet...)

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