Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm it again apparently?

Where is your cell phone? sitting on my belly believe it or not!
Where is your significant other? Ha-Shari will never have one of those!
Your hair color? Brunette
Your mother? Amazingly beautiful and awesome!
Your father? The best man ever!
Your favorite thing? Having fun/ random adventures
Your dream last night? don't remember
Your dream/goal? ugh! to have scholarships to pay for school--to raise enough money for Miss Utah!
The room you’re in? My room at my apt.
Your hobby? playing piano, writing music
Your fear? my knee surgery not going well...
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Well, I hope I'll be done with school, working as a news anchor somewhere that is legit, and possibly married by then?
Where were you last night? Fast asleep here in Logan
What you’re not? Healthy--stupid flu!
One of your wish-list items? All tuition and books paid for the rest of college!
Where you grew up? Roosytown, UT
The last thing you did? ate lunch, more like attempted to eat lunch..
What are you wearing? my favorite jeans, favorite hoodie and striped pink and white socks
Your TV?nonexistent!
Your pet? at home--hopefully getting taken care of by my lovely parents!
Your computer? awesome gateway laptop!
Your mood? blah/tired/frustrated
Missing someone? all the friends I used to hang out with all the time...
Your car? stella--she's great
Something you’re not wearing? my class ring--I left it in my car in the parking garage.
Favorite store? Probably Aero or American Eagle--Head over Heels is good too!
Your summer? Crazy Busy
Love someone? My family--
Your favorite color? Purple--always and Hot pink
When is the last time you laughed? about twenty minutes ago when I was reading something on the wall for "Save the Moqui" on Facebook.
Last time you cried? Saturday I do believe, when I just couldn't feel better.

I tag whoever wants to do this!

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