Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Maneater? I think not!

So, there has been an ongoing debate of whether or not I'm a maneater. I'm not. I promise. Let me outline it all for you. We'll start at the beginning of the drama.

I was dating a guy who's on a mission now, and I decided I'd start dating people finally, since I had not even talked to many guys since he had left in January. Then, I met Cylor, you can read about him in "summer fun" posted further down the page. Within short time of dating Cylor, I decided waiting for Grant wasn't right and I didn't want to feel tied down like I had loyalties to him, plus I could tell I was a HUGE distraction for him, so I dear johned him, and it wasn't pretty, but he's a better missionary now for it, at least that's what I hear from his sister... Not a maneater case #1

Anyway, Cylor and I weren't that serious, but we both decided that we were going to break up when I moved, since we both didn't want to get serious and it was looking like a serious relationship if we didn't break up. So we broke up. It hurt, because honestly I liked him, even if he wasn't the best prospect...Let me explain! He's fresh out of high school. 18 years old, he's not LDS, kinda doesn't agree with any of my standards, he wanted action. A lot.... Not a maneater case #2

Okay, pause...So honestly, maybe he was a little bit of a rebound that helped me with my decision to not wait for Grant, but it doesn't make me a maneater! I still honesty and truly cared for him. I had deep feelings for him, even though our relationship only lasted a month! Still, NOT a maneater!

Soon after moving to Logan, I decided that I would like a guy I liked early this past summer. He's from my hometown, so I figured we had something in common. I liked him forever. Seriously forever. I put him at the back of my mind, too afraid to do anything about my deep like for him. Not a maneater case to be explained later.

Next came someone who I deeply cared for. I met him when I first moved up here, and I liked him then, but it was somewhat illegal to like him, so I didn't pursue anything, plus in the back of my mind there was still the guy from my hometown. Later, I went to this guy I had met up here who just happened to live ridiculously close to me all the time. I went to him with all my frustrations and I liked him more and more. Then came the DTR talk. We decided and let it out that we liked each other. Everything was hunky dory, then things moved too fast for me. Too much too fast. I knew I had to end the relationship. I knew we were better off friends, so I did it. It hurt inside, and I didn't want to hurt him, but I did. NOT A MANEATER case #3

Next my like for the guy from my hometown resurfaced, and I ended up telling him. Bad idea, but good idea as well. Bad idea because there was complete rejection, but I needed it. Good idea, because I was too chicken to be myself around him anyway. I didn't eat him. He ate me!

The reasons for this post is the fact that every time I talk to my sister, she asks, "Who is it now?" This is not okay with me. I have some relationships issues okay? but that doesn't mean I ate them! They are all justifiable! They all had reasons to break up! I did NOT eat these men! Also, my roommates, and some of my residents call me a maneater, because of these sudden changes in my relationships with men.

I'll sum up the reasons here--I didn't have a normal dating experience in high school. I didn't date lots of people. I dated one. Long distance for a LONG time. Bad idea. The end.

This is ALL going to change though...I've met someone who is changing it all. I'm not going to eat him, just like I did not eat the other men! I just hope and pray that I don't make a fool of myself before anything can even happen. I would tell you his name, but in fear that he could actually be reading this blog I won't, although, if he still decided to even like me as a friend after reading this, it would reinforce my decision even more!

This picture is NOT ME! I know you're thinking to yourself, "she really is a maneater," but please. I'm not! The relationships all ended for good reasons, and I didn't start them just to be cruel and harsh to the men that were involved. okay? That to me constitutes maneating, not having bad luck with men. There's a difference!

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