Friday, January 13, 2012

12 Months

Ellie is 12 months old! I can't believe that a year has gone by with our little sweet pea! It sure went fast, but we've had lots of fun with her throughout the fastness!

At Ellie's 12 month appointment this Monday, we found out that she had terrible ear infections in both ears, and I felt bad for her because she had had a hard day on Sunday, so I figured something was up. Her doctor looked her chart over, and when he realized that this was her 4th ear infection in 4 months straight, he decided it was time for tubes (HOORAY!)! He gave us a referral, and I called that evening and got Ellie an appointment for Wednesday. I was excited to get her in so quickly, because I knew the sooner we got her in, the sooner she'd start to feel better and stop having ear infections!

Anyway, her 12 month appointment was good, but she is on the small side. Dr. Nielsen isn't too worried about that though, because she's been consistent with her small-ness! She's currently 19 lbs 13 oz which puts her in the 27th percentile for weight. She's 29 inches tall and in the 43rd percentile for height, and her head is 17.6 inches around which is the 37th percentile. She's very small, and this is the smallest she's been with weight in a while.

We started giving Ellie whole milk a few days after she turned one, but she didn't really like it until lately. She's still figuring it out but definitely prefers nursing still. She is a good eater otherwise, but has started to become a bit picky.

Anyway, here are more things about Ellie at 1 year old!:

  • She's wearing size 12 month clothes, but still some 6-9 month jammies.
  • She wears size 3 shoes, but is getting close to growing out of them.
  • She Loves to play with all the new toys from Christmas and her birthday, especially her puppy, activity table, corn popper, and school bus oh and her blocks, too!
  • She takes 2 naps a day, but I can tell the morning nap is going to fade out soon!
  • She goes to sleep at about 7:30 and wakes up around 7 or 7:30.
  • Her favorite foods are blueberries, sweet potatoes, string cheese and saltine crackers, but she eats almost anything we give her.
  • She LOVES to play with our neighbor's baby, Lexi and the are the bestest friends.
  • She can say, dada, daddy, mama, na na (banana, or food in general) and hi. She doesn't say mama very often, but she'll come around ;)
  • She loves to drink water from our camelbak water bottles.
  • Bath time is still probably her favorite thing to do.
  • She is hilarious all the time, and loves to be silly and dance to any music and sing the beginning to the Backyardigans theme song.
  • She's the cutest little one year old there ever was, and we love her to death!

Look for another post about her 1st birthday party, which was of course ALL PINK! :D

But here's a sneak peek of what she looked like at her party!

We sure love Ellie, and we've had such a fun time being parents to her. She's the best decision we ever made, and I'm glad we took a leap of faith to start a family, because I would be so bored without her in my life!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Cohen was 19 lbs 13 oz at his 12 month check too, haha. She is so cute and I can't wait to see the pictures from her birthday. That outfit is adorable!